August 5, 2012

Surviving Dark Valleys

Surviving Dark Valleys
written by Pastor C. Matthew Recker

Stress Relief from Psalm 23

This Psalm summarizes a year in the life of a sheep. The sheep starts the year in the low country in the lush green fields and cool waters. As the weather gets warm in the summer, the Shepherd leads the sheep through the valley to higher ground away from the stifling heat into the cooler mountain regions. The sheep move slowly, feeding as they go, working their way up the mountains behind the receding snow. As autumn approaches, snow appears on the highest ridges and the shepherd leads his sheep back down to lower elevations. Toward the end of the year they are driven back to the ranch headquarters.

The last half of this Psalm describes the journey up into the mountain away from the familiar grazing ground for the sheep. It illustrates the intimate contact the sheep have with the shepherd as they are under his personal care day and night, 24-7!

There is an old parable that says “All Sunshine and no rain makes a desert.” What that means is life is a mixture of pain and pleasure, of victory and defeat, success and failure, of sunshine and rain, and of mountain tops and valleys.

Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

In the Scripture, valleys are places of difficulty, of darkness, of disappointment, of defeat, of depression.

Now, valleys are an inevitable part of life. Count on it. Face it. The problem is, they are unpredictable. You usually do not want them and do not expect them. Valleys are like flat tires; you do not plan them. They come suddenly. Valleys and Baskin Robbins are alike: they come in 31 flavors. Trials and difficulties come all of a sudden. Listen, all of us face valleys. If you are in a valley, it does not mean you are a bad person, or more sinful than someone else. It does mean you are a person. No one is exempt from the problems of life. You will have tragedy, loss, your loved ones will die. You will get sick. You might have a bill you cannot pay. Valleys are temporary. You go through the valley. I guarantee you that the valley will pass, for this life is short.

2 Corinthians 4:17; For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

Let me tell you another thing about valleys: You need the valley.

1 Peter 1:6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations.

What is God’s purpose for you in this world? Is His chief purpose for you to be comfortable? Is His chief purpose for you to have everything you need. No, His chief goal for you is that you give him glory. The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. One of the ways you glorify God is to go through the valleys with him. Now, how do you survive those dark valleys.

1. REMEMBER: Valleys Lead to Higher Ground

The valley you are going through can lead you to higher ground. Every problem has a purpose. Faith is built in the valley. God wants to build your character. He is more interested in your holiness than your happiness; He is more interested in your character than your comfort. God wants you to grow and mature. That is impossible without valleys.

The only way TO the mountaintop is THROUGH the valley.

I am saying that every mountain has a valley, and the only way to the top of the mountain is through the valley. Remember the same Shepherd who restores our soul and leads us in the path of righteousness is now leading the sheep through the valley of the shadow of death. This is not death, but it makes the sheep feel like he is going to die. It is a place of gloomy darkness. Here is menacing fear. This is pervading pressure. This is continual confusion. But is it also a place that will lead to the mountaintop.

The valley will build your faith.

When we first came to NYC, Debbie and I were helping a church in Park Slope that needed a pastor. I felt sure this church would call us to be their pastor, but as time went on, they did not make any decision. I was in the valley as this church put off making a decision to vote on us as their pastor. I was really crushed and disappointed. Yet, as I look back, I am so thankful, for the Lord led us to establish a church in Brooklyn, and then Queens. I would not exchange those experiences for anything in the world. God led me in the right way, although I did not see it in the middle of the valley.

2. REFUSE: To Panic

He says, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He does not RUN through the valley. He is refusing to panic. He is walking. He say, I will fear no evil. This indicates a choice. Do you know that fear is a choice. I will not be afraid.

If you are in fear this morning, you are choosing to be afraid. If you are discouraged, you are choosing to be discouraged. You are choosing to look at the negative things.

Many people today suffer with a problem of panic attacks. They get into a certain situation and just become a ball of fear. They panic. They avoid those places where they have these panic attacks. Fear becomes a paralyzing foe. This has happened to me.

When I was a student at Clemson, in History class, I had to write essay questions, and I just began shaking. I knew the answers, but my hands just started shaking. I asked the teacher if I could go to a private room and right the answers. He allowed me to do it. I was not a Christian, and it was things like this that made me realize I needed a Shepherd.

Also, refuse to panic because Shadows cannot hurt you. It is the shadow of death. It is not death. It is the shadow of death. Someday, a shadow is going to fall over your life, and you will be tempted to fear. You will want to panic.

Remember: shadows are always bigger than the reality. A little, harmless object can cast an ominous shadow in a child’s room.

Shadows cannot hurt you. Shadows are image without substance. If you are run over by a shadow, it cannot hurt you.

There is no shadow without a light somewhere. When you are in the valley, you might think you are all alone. If there is a shadow, it means the light of God’s presence is there.

Turn away from the shadow, and look at the light, and the shadow will fall behind you. Jesus is the light of the world. When you are in the valley of the shadow of death. Look to Jesus! If you look at the world, you will be distressed, if you look within you will be depressed, but if you look at Jesus, you will be at rest. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

3. REALIZE God is With You

How do you refuse to panic? You focus on God’s presence and not your problems; you do not focus on your circumstances, but on Christ.

Verse four is a changing point in this Psalm. Up this this point, He is talking about God (v.1-3). The Lord is my Shepherd. He maketh me to lied down… He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in paths of righteousness… He is talking about God. In the midst of the valley, He now talks to God. Thou art with me, he says. Your rod and staff they comfort me. YOU are my God in the valley. God does not lead us to the valley and forsake us. He is with us in the valley.

The Sheep now finds refreshment from God Himself in the valley.

Why does God allow valleys? We look God face to face in the valley.

If we are prone to wander from God in the green pasture, we are looking to be as close as possible to the Shepherd in the valley. If we are prone to forget about God when we are sipping from the cool waters, we only thirst for God Himself when we are in the place of unsurety.

We become more intimate with God in the times of darkness. The ultimate becomes the Intimate in the valley! It is in the valley that we find refreshment not from the green pastures and the still waters, but from God Himself. In the valley we are not talking ABOUT God, we want to talk TO God. The religion becomes a relationship in the valley. God becomes real in the valley. We enjoy the mountain top, but We never enjoy God’s presence more than when we are in the valley.

Up to this point, the Shepherd is given praise for providing good things and nice surroundings. Our God does this for us. He does not want us to begin trusting the circumstances of life to provide us with joy and strength. God wants us to trust HIM.

In the valleys of life we find refreshment from God Himself.

As a believer, you will never go through the valley alone. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you. There is nothing to fear, for Jesus is near.

My life’s verse is Acts 18:10. God promises His presence to Paul.

4. RELY on God’s Protective Care

“Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

The valley is an unfamiliar place. The valley is not home. Predators roam in the valley; coyotes, bears, wolves, or cougars. The Presence of the Shepherd and His rod and staff bring great comfort.

The rod speaks of God’s Protection for the sheep. It is a club, about two feet long with a hard knot at the end of it This rod could be thrown like a bullet at any enemy. The rod is the weapon of power and defense for the shepherd. In the wild west, a cowboy would call his gun his rod, for eventually a gun took the place of the rod. They could throw it with speed and accuracy. It was an extension of the shepherd’s right arm. He uses the rod to beat away snakes, or to drive off coyotes, wolves, or stray dogs. The Shepherd is our defender and protector.

The staff tells us of God’s Care and guidance for us. The staff is a long stick with a hook at the end. The Shepherd uses the staff to guide the sheep, to examine the sheep, to lift them up when they fall, to sometimes draw the newborn lambs close to their mothers.

What is Our Heavenly Shepherd’s rod and staff for us? His Word and His Spirit. His Word is our defense against temptation. His Spirit indwells us to guide us and give us His comfort. His Word and His Spirit, they are my comfort.

John 14:16; And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.

John 14:26; But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

If you are going through a valley, there is hope in Jesus Christ. He can give you peace as you trust him. Christians have problems; financial, family, physical problems. In the valley, what will you focus upon? The shadow of death, or the Lord of light?

There is no shadow without a light somewhere. When you are in the valley, you might think you are all alone. If there is a shadow, it means the light of God’s presence is there.

Turn away from the shadow, and look at the light, and the shadow will fall behind you. Jesus is the light of the world. When you are in the valley of the shadow of death. Look to Jesus! If you look at the world, you will be distressed, if you look within you will be depressed, but if you look at Jesus, you will be at rest. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

While both believers and unbelievers pass through similar valleys of life; the difference for the Christian is not the absence of the shadow, but the presence of the Shepherd. Thou art with me.

What valley are you going through? Loneliness. Fear. Pain. Financial. Relationship. The valley is temporary. The Lord will help you walk through the valley. There is a mountain God is seeking to lead you to. Look to Him in your valley.

Pray this: O God, I need you in my valley. I am confused, discouraged, tired, and fighting fear, but I thank you that you are with me. AMEN! ♥

  1. REMEMBER: Valleys Lead to Higher Ground
  2. REFUSE: To Panic
  3. REALIZE God is With You
  4. RELY on God’s Protective Care

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