December 9, 2011

Up Eurs! Euro Crisis: Britain Stands Alone After PM David Cameron’s Historic Veto!

The Sun UK
written by Graeme Wilson and Kevin Schofield
Friday December 9, 2011

DAVID Cameron has blasted the bully-boys of Europe with a sensational Winston Churchill-style "Up Yours".

The PM vetoed a new treaty and kept Britain out of a dodgy deal to save the euro.

But his bulldog spirit left the nation facing an unknown future and risking an EU backlash.

The PM last night defended his historic veto of an EU deal intended to save the euro — despite infuriating pro-Europeans.

Jubilant Tory MPs hailed his decision as a massive step towards Britain's EXIT from the European Union.

His stand in Brussels was the first time a British Prime Minister has ever vetoed an EU treaty.

Defiant Mr Cameron insisted he was RIGHT, as the deal threatened the City of London financial hub.

He said: "We were offered a treaty that didn't have proper safeguards for Britain and I decided it was not right to sign it."

But EU chiefs turned on him last night for daring to stand up for Britain. And the Coalition was rocked when Nick Clegg warned Britain could end up marginalised in a two-speed Europe.

One Brussels insider warned: "This is going to cost the UK dearly. They have antagonised everyone."

The PM stuck to his guns during ten hours of bruising negotiations in which he faced intense pressure from French president Nicolas Sarkozy and German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Mr Cameron had a furious show-down with Mr Sarkozy in the early hours of yesterday morning.

There were even reports that the fuming Frenchman had to be "restrained" at one point.

One French official blasted the PM for demanding concessions but offering nothing in return.

He likened Mr Cameron to "a man who wants to go to a wife-swapping party without taking his own wife".

Mrs Merkel complained: "I really don't believe Mr Cameron was ever really with us at the table."

Last night the EU's other 26 countries were set to press ahead with their own treaty — leaving Britain on the outside. They agreed new rules on tax and spending by eurozone countries and tougher sanctions to back them up.

The PM insisted Britain will keep its influence in the corridors of powers and remain a member of the EU. He said: "Membership is in our interests."

Earlier Mr Sarkozy had blamed Britain's "unacceptable" demands for torpedoing the treaty. At one point during a meeting of leaders yesterday, the French president appeared to "blank" Mr Cameron.

But the PM insisted they were on good terms. He said: "Obviously, he disagrees with the approach that I am taking. But he went out of his way to repeatedly say, 'This is not against David personally, we're good friends, we work together'." The Coalition was left split down the middle. Tory MPs hailed their leader for keeping his promise to defend British interests. Meanwhile furious Liberal Democrats savaged Mr Cameron and accused him of betraying the UK. Some Tories said it was now time to rewrite Britain's relations with Brussels.

"We are going to be a satellite on the edge of what is going to be an economic superpower. We need a different relationship."

Ex-Cabinet minister Lord Tebbit said: "There is no smooth easy path ahead. All the roads look rocky. Thankfully, we have taken a step along the right one." Senior eurosceptic David Davis added: "David Cameron has done exactly the right thing. The British demands were utterly reasonable."

GERMANS and the French believe they would be better off if they had never joined the Euro — 42 per cent thinking their finances would be flusher, a poll revealed.

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