December 2, 2011

United Nations Urges Action In Syria But China And Russia WARN Against Foreign Interference In Syria In The Name Of Human Rights! WOW!

China and Russia are faces of MARXISM! They don't VALUE human life! They BOTH support every rogue dictator around the world keeping them in power because they buy their country's natural resources at a discount.


The National Post
written by Stephanie Nebehay
Friday December 2, 2011

•Death toll of 4,000 includes 307 children, Navi Pillay says
•More than 14,000 held in detention, she tells emergency session on Syria
•Syrian ambassador says only Syria can resolve problem
•Russia warns on arms sales to rebels, reportedly sells missiles to government

GENEVA — The United Nations’ human rights chief on Friday urged world powers to take action to protect civilians in Syria from “ruthless repression,” but her call was criticized by envoys from China and Russia.

More than 4,000 people have been killed during a military crackdown on protesters that started in March and more than 14,000 people are believed to be in detention, said U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.

“In light of the manifest failure of the Syrian authorities to protect their citizens, the international community needs to take urgent and effective measures to protect the Syrian people,” Pillay told an emergency session of the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Pillay did not spell out what measures world powers should take — Western leaders have in the past shied away from suggestions of military action, along the lines of the NATO campaign that helped unseat Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The United States, the EU, members of the Arab League and neighbouring Turkey have already imposed sanctions on the Damascus government.

After Pillay spoke, envoys from Russia and China, which both have oil projects in Syria, took the floor to warn against foreign interference in Syria in the name of human rights.

Both countries blocked international efforts to condemn the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by vetoing a U.N. Security Council resolution in October.


“We would like to warn against illegal interference by outside forces even under the pretext of protecting human rights,” said Russia’s envoy Valery Loshchinin. “This will have serious and unforeseen consequences.”

Loshchinin called on all sides in Syria to halt violence. “We hear that the conflict in Syria continues to be fueled by outside forces, armed and terrorist groups being organised and supplied with weapons and money from abroad.”

Russia has delivered anti-ship cruise missiles to Syria, the Interfax news agency cited an unnamed military source as saying on Thursday, days after a U.N. commission of inquiry called for an arms embargo on Damascus.

China’s envoy He Yafei said that although China was deeply concerned, views on how to resolve the situation differed widely.

“Member states of the United Nations should follow the principles and purposes of the UN and refrain from resolving differences through force or threat of force,” he said.

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