December 5, 2011

COP17 Report: Pres Obama and United Nations to Tax U.S. for Green Climate Fund! Oh Hell NO! >:/

WMO: "Climate change is real and we are already observing its manifestations in weather and climate patterns around the world”

Josette (Me): Note to WMO, the climate has been changing since the beginning of TIME! No one can dispute that. Precisely the reason why they changed name of champaign from Global Warming.

WMO: Worst hit by CLIMATE deaths/losses in 2010: Pakistan, Guatemala, Colombia, Russia, Honduras, Oman, Poland, Portugal, China, Tajikstan.

Josette: The actual reason for those climate deaths/losses is due to poor infrastructure, preparation and emergency response by the government in those countries.

WMO: Small island states 'may disappear if no climate deal'.

Josette: Puhleeease! They'll say anything to scare the crap out of the world to get leaders to agree to sponsor this Green Climate FUND and new TAX! Small islands have always been at risk of disappearing. Sh*t Indonesia and surrounding tiny islands almost disappeared in the 2004 Indian Ocean TSUNAMI caused by a MASSIVE 9.1 magnitude undersea megathrust EARTHQUAKE. Or how about the recent 2011 Pacific coast of Tohoku TSUNAMI caused by a MASSIVE 9.0 magnitude undersea megathrust EARTHQUAKE that almost swallowed up Japan. Plus, new islands are birthed from underground ocean volcanic lava flows. This phenomenon is otherwise known as Sumarine Volcanoes, "They may become so large that they break the ocean surface as new islands." The earth also has Shield Volcanoes. "The largest and most prominent shield volcano chain in the world are the Hawaiian Islands, a chain of hotspot volcanoes in Pacific Ocean. The Galรกpagos Islands are an isolated set of volcanoes, consisting of shield volcanoes and lava plateaus. The composition of the lavas of the Galรกpagos shields are strikingly similar to those of the Hawaiian volcanoes. In addition, there is no clear pattern of age between the volcanoes, suggesting a complicated, irregular pattern of creation. How exactly the islands were formed remains a geological mystery, although several theories have been fronted." It's part of the natural process on earth. Not only do these wackjobs want to control the global general population every which way possible, but they actually think they can control earth's natural rhythms too.

WMO: UN climate chief urges action to stop climate change 'spinning out of control' read article HERE.

Josette: Are you serious? or just mental? Come on now, do you honestly believe we as mere humans can "STOP" the climate from changing? Why would we want to? We benefit from the 4 seasons that change our climate. Our ancient ancestors respected that fact! Once upon a time ALL of the continents were one until they broke off and separated. Our ancient ancestors adapted to that dramatic change of land mass. Now what is our problem? Lack of ingenuity perhaps? Taxing Economic GROWTH practices WILL NEVER solve the genuine problems humanity faces today ie; famine caused by man-made food shortages. Governments that are attending this UN summit are the very people who allow their buddies to pollute the earth by dumping toxic chemicals in the ground and in our rivers around the world, use up ground water for mining and end up drying up the land above that wild animals graze on, use up fertile farm land for alternative fuels instead of planting crops to eat where we would have enough food for every human being on this planet with an abundance left over AND they have the nerve to act like they give a crap. Take a look at this promotional picture I found for this COP17 event. Read what they are brainwashing our youth with. You can click the picture to enlarge. This is ALL ONE BIG CON!
The Washington Examiner
written by Joel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer
Monday December 5, 2011

President Obama's team of negotiators at the United Nations Climate Change Conference may agree to a tax on foreign currency transactions, designed to pay for a "Green Climate Fund," that would fall disproportionately on American travellers and businesses, according to a group attending the conference that is skeptical of the UN position on global warming.

Negotiators at the conference are considering "a new tax on every foreign currency transaction in the world," according to the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). "Every time you travel abroad, you'll have to pay a climate tax," explains CFACT, the group that released the "Climategate" emails. "More importantly, every time we import goods, every time we export our fine products (think jobs) we will do so with a climate tax skimming off the top."

European countries would evade much of the tax burden, however, because "transactions within the Eurozone won't have to pay this new tax."

CFACT suggests that Obama is open to implementing this tax and similar policies in the absence of a full climate treaty, which would require congressional approval. "We have learned that while many have discounted this conference, knowing that a full climate treaty is difficult to achieve especially with a U.S. Senate that will not vote to ratify," CFACT says. "Obama and his fellow climate travelers are working around the Senate and planning to stick America with the bill."

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