October 19, 2011

Communist Party USA Marching With Occupy Chicago Identified As Organizing For America (OFA) Organizer for President Obama

BIG Government
written by Rebel Pundit
Monday October 17, 2011

Yesterday we released a video of John Bachtell, a national board member from the Communist Party U.S.A., addressing the bongo-banging, spoiled, suburban run-aways at the #OccupyChicago tent city and an interview with a few of his “fellow travelers” in the march.

Thanks to a reader tip, we have identified the three individuals in the march who we interviewed. In the photo below starting on the left is James Raines, a University of Memphis teacher (from reader tip), next to his right is Jordan Farrar (Young Communist League & Organizing for America), and next to him is Gabe Niechcial, another young communist.
According to the P/oed Patriot, Farrar, seen in the white C.P. USA shirt, is not only a Young Communist League leader, but he is also a member of Barack Obama’s Organizing for America and he organized a rally in 2009 for OFA to support President Obama’s health care bill. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) was featured guest at Farrar’s event as well.

Notice the host name on the screenshot of the event invitation.
Jordan is a self-described “militant anti-racist anti-fascist Marxist-Leninist skinhead.”

As found on his Facebook page:
“I am a writer for the People’s World, an organizer for the Young Communist League, USA, and a dedicated member of the Communist Party, USA. I am a militant anti-racist anti-fascist Marxist-Leninist skinhead. I fight along with my comrades for a better world through peace, equality, democracy and by creating a socialist America to put an end to the imperialist and capitalist aggression that has been carried out in the name of the American people.”
He also states:
“Another world is possible, another United States is necessary!”
In the photo below you can see James Raines, who we initially received reader information on, photographed spreading his message with the Marxist Student Union on campus at the University of Memphis.
And now we get to hear from all the “occupiers,” that video evidence of communists, socialists, anarchists, and such, showing up at their flea-infested freak shows, is not their fault. “It is an open protest,” they cry, “anyone can come.”

Well, it seems that is the point: they are coming, and they are being welcomed. They have organized for the Democratic Party and the President of the United States and now they are part of your pathetic “Obama-endorsed” marches. Accept it and love it for what it is, or go back to your parents’ oversized suburban homes, wash your hair, get a job and start helping the rest of America fix this country.

Cross Posted at: RebelPunditFollow @RebelPundit on Twitter.

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