October 4, 2011

Obama’s Friday Night Fast and Furious Document Dump! Wow! So Obama Admin Was Directly Involved!

The Ulsterman Report
written by Ulsterman
Saturday October 1, 2011

In a move reminiscent of past high profile government cover-ups, the Obama Department of Justice dumps long awaited documents to Congressional investigators late Friday night. These documents are said to point to considerable communications between high ranking Obama administration officials and the Fast and Furious operation.

With such a link now firmly established, the words of both Attorney Eric Holder and President Barack Obama as having been unaware of the operation appear increasingly improbable – perhaps outright dishonest. The Friday night document dump discloses repeated contact between Obama White House National Security staff Kevin O’Reilly and ATF Special Agent of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell – the on-the-ground supervisor for the operation itself.

The just-disclosed Fast and Furious documents also showed an Obama White House still unwilling to fully cooperate with the investigation. A memo from chief counsel to President Barack Obama, Kathryn Ruemmler, indicated the administration had no intention of releasing multitiple communications between White National Security staff apparently involved in monitoring the progress of the Fast and Furious operation from the White House.

While the information contained in those and likely numerous other hidden communications remain unknown, what is clear now is the Obama White House and its cadre of legal representatives are working overtime attempting to further stonewall the Congressional investigation into the deadly debacle that is the Fast and Furious operation – an operation that saw an Obama administration willingly handing deadly weapons to known criminals [federal govt supplied leathal weapons to the Mexican Drug Cartel (emphasis mine)] engaged in open violation of American law.

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