September 24, 2011

The Way of the Warrior by John Cali and Spirit ♥

GREAT video message from "rules of the road" from John Cali and Spirit. Very uplifting and empowering. Enjoy! :)

Music by Sacred Spirit - Chants and Dances of the Native Americans.

UPDATE 7:01pm: Hi everybody, I just typed a transcript of the message in this video for my international readers who need to translate. Sorry I didn't have time to do this earlier today. ♥


The Way of the Warrior is simple. However, as you have often heard me say, it may be simple but it's not always easy.

Rules of the Road. Today I would like to give you a few of my simple guidelines or "rules of the road" if you will. And that road is the Way of the Warrior.
  1. Speak Her Truth: The Warrior always speaks her truth - no matter what the circumstances.
  2. Detached: The Warrior is totally detached from what others think and say about her. This is absolutely necessary if she's going to observe the first rule above.
  3. See the Divinity: The Warrior always does her best to see the Divinity in all that is. In this way, she shall never have any desire to own, control, manipulate, misuse or abuse any of the Great Spirit's creatures.
  4. Follow the Highest Path: The Warrior always follows the highest path as dictated by the highest authority in the Universe ~ herself.
  5. Surrender to Life: The Warrior totally trusts in and surrenders to the flow of her life. She knows all is as it should be. Therefore, she must always completely trust in and surrender to her Higher Self, her Soul, the Great Spirit.
  6. All is Within: The Warrior knows all Love, all Wisdom, all Power lie within her - within her heart, her mind, her body, her Soul. There is nothing to seek, nothing to find, nowhere to go - except WITHIN.
  7. There Are No Mistakes: The Warrior knows with absolute certainty that she has never made a mistake - she can never make a mistake. All of her life is simply a lesson in this classroom called Planet Earth. She learns as she goes. All is as it should be.
  8. Don't Take Life Too seriously:  The Warrior never takes life too seriously. It's all a game, after all, a game in the classroom of Planet Earth. And games should be FUN. Enjoy the game, it won't last forever!
  9. Always Full Heart: The Warrior's heart is always full and always grateful. She never knows lack or emptiness. Except that is, when she creates those illusions by getting too infatuated with the Great Illusion - the human experience.
  10. Interesting Challenges: The Warrior knows the Great Illusion creates some highly interesting challenges. For example, the challenge to rise above the Great Illusion.
  11. The Great Illusion: As she rises above the Great Illusion, the Warrior knows this experience is as it should be, she has chosen it. And in this choosing, she is remembering her way back to the Light - back to her Home. That was the only reason for choosing the Great Illusion in the first place.
  12. Different Paths: The Warrior knows all her brothers and sisters on Planet Earth have the same destination she does - Home. But each may take a different path. And the Warrior knows that's okay! All will get Home - no matter what path they take. It cannot be otherwise, for all paths lead Home.
  13. The Way of the Wind: The Warrior knows the way of the wind. But she knows she cannot capture it - she cannot own it. She can love it, luxuriate in its presence, glory in its energy. But if she tries to capture it, it becomes something other than what it truly is... it becomes still and stagnant air. She can never possess it completely - unless she refuses to ever own it - unless she refuses to ever have sovereignty over it. She can possess it ONLY by letting it be free - by letting it be what it is.
  14. It cannot be otherwise. The Way of the Warrior IS The Way of the Wind.

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