September 11, 2011

GlobalAwareness101 Remembers 9/11/01

Regardless of what you believe about that day... In and around the twin towers there were 2,752 deaths of INNOCENT SOULS! While 189 people died when a plane was flown into the Pentagon and another 44 were killed when a hijacked jet crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. May God bless the victims, their families and America! ♥ Sending you much LOVE and a warm embrace! ♥

UPDATE 4:27pm: I just found out that a large group of 9/11 Truthers gathered across the street of the Ground Zero Memorial this morning and were chanting "9-11 was an inside job." and set up a large banner that reads "The Bush regime engineered 9-11." and another large sign that reads "Google: Jews control the USA." Well I think this BEHAVIOR is DISGUSTING to say the least! All of you are blatantly disrespecting the THOUSANDS of innocent souls who lost their lives on that day. You are NO DIFFERENT in displaying such LACK of CONSCIENCE than the demented Westboro Baptist Church who protest outside of US military funerals blaming US soldier deaths as punishment from God for allowing gays to exist in the United States. Although, their chants and signs use more vulgar language to describe the gay community. Here is another Westboro Baptist protest video. They also claim that God is condemning the U.S. for allowing gays to exist in the United States. This mindset is in line with the TWISTED radical Islamic Sharia Law which states that "Homosexuality is punishable by death". Homosexuals are usually tortured publicly first and then hanged publicly after these sadistic SOB's got their thrill watching another human being suffer profusely. This happens today in ALL Theocratic Islamic nations where they are RULED by Sharia Law. Yeah, the same Islamic Sharia Law the New York Times CONDONES in an article published on September 2, 2011 titled, "Don't Fear Islamic Law in America".

Just last month, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said "90 Percent of Sharia Law is fully compatible and consistent with the American Constitutional Laws. The areas of difference are small and minor."
I THINK NOT!!! There is nothing OPPRESSIVE in the U.S. Constitution!

I have no doubt that if the Catholic, Christian and Jewish self-righteous religious zealots had their way, they too would want to impose a heinous law against the homosexual community like the Islamic Sharia Law wanting to exterminate them all in the United States. But thank goodness we ARE NOT a Theocratic government and thank goodness for the U.S. Constitution that protects the gay community from such heinous acts.

I Believe ~ by Blessed Union of Souls

Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his hand
Don’t ask any questions and don’t try to understand
Open up your mind and then open up your heart
And you will see that you and me aren’t very far apart

’cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way

Violence is spread worldwide and there are families on the street
And we sell drugs to children now oh why can’t we just see
That all we do is eliminate our future with the things we do today
Money is our incentive now so that makes it okay

But I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way

’cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
I believe I believe I believe I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way
Love will find the way
Love will find the way
Love will find the way
Please love find the way
Please love find the way

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