September 20, 2011

Georgia's Pardon And Parole Board Denied Clemency To Troy Davis! Will Allow His Execution To Go Forward! There Is FAR TOO MUCH DOUBT To Justify This Decision! This Is NOT RIGHT! :/

UPDATE 9/21/11: Troy Davis execution has been carried out after his lawyer's final plea to the U.S. Supreme Court requesting a stay was denied. Time of Death: 11:08pm EDT.

DON'T BLAME AMERICA or Americans for this injustice! Our laws vary from state to state. Troy Davis was tried and convicted in the state of Georgia 22 years ago. This is the "Georgia" justice system NOT American US system. If your going to be pissed off at anyone it should be Georgia's pardon and parole board.

"Is it better that ten guilty persons go free than that one innocent person be convicted." ~ by William Blackstone

"It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one." ~ by Voltaire

Please click HERE to read a list of U.S. states with and without the death penalty. Click HERE to read the authorized methods of execution for each state that practice the death penalty. Click HERE to read the clemency process state by state. I was going to suggest contacting the Georgia Governor Nathan Deal. Unfortunately, Georgia is one of the few state's in which a Board or Advisory Group has the power and authority to determine clemency. :/ We can only hope and pray for a miracle. May God convict their conscience. ♥

Clemency means disposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due. [source: Merriam-Webster dictionary]

There is alot of chatter on the internet comparing Troy Davis and Casey Anthony. Troy Davis was convicted of murder in 1991, that was 2 decades ago in Georgia. Casey Anthony's case was tried in 2011 in Florida. Two different juries, two different judges and two different states with different laws. Keep things in perspective.

Don't make this about race/color. Primary focus should be on plain JUSTICE. I know the family of the slain police officer wants justice too and has had this man's image in their head for the past 20 years as the convicted murderer of their loved one. But how can you in good conscience execute this person now, who "may" actually be innocent of the crime in question, now that new information has come to light. If you do go ahead with the execution, then you would be guilty of the crime you committed against your loved one: MURDER of an innocent person. I would take a different stance on this issue if there was "definitive" evidence an innocent person was murdered. A life for a life.

"Lady Justice wears a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity. Lady Justice is most often depicted with a set of scales typically suspended from her left hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a case's support and opposition. She is also often seen carrying a double-edged sword in her right hand, symbolizing the power of Reason and Justice, which may be wielded either for or against any party." [source: wikipedia]

The Los Angeles Times
written by Richard Fausset
Tuesday September 20, 2011

Reporting from Atlanta— Georgia's pardon and parole board Tuesday denied clemency to Troy Davis, a Savannah man convicted of the 1989 murder of an off-duty police officer, paving the way for his execution despite critics' concerns that the state may be putting an innocent man to death.

The decision was probably welcomed by the family of Mark MacPhail, the Savannah police officer who, while working as a security guard, was gunned down as he sought to aid a beating victim in a downtown parking lot.

MacPhail's widow, Joan MacPhail-Harris, and other family members contend that the jury was correct in convicting Davis in 1991, and that the death penalty was warranted.

"For someone to ludicrously say that [Davis] was a victim — we are the victims," MacPhail-Harris said Monday night after addressing the parole board.

But Amnesty International and other groups have argued that Davis, 42, should be spared death by lethal injection based on new evidence that emerged after his jury trial, including numerous key witnesses who changed their stories that had originally implicated him.

Former President Carter and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have expressed similar concerns, as have conservatives including former Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.) and William S. Sessions, who was FBI director under Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

The board did not cite a reason for its denial, but noted in a brief statement that its five members "have not taken their responsibility lightly and certainly understand the emotions attached to a death penalty case."

As the two-decade drama lurched toward climax, media coverage intensified, thrusting capital punishment to the center of the national conversation at a time when voters are examining the record of GOP presidential front-runner Rick Perry, who, as governor of Texas, has presided over 235 executions.

Twice within the last week, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked what would have been the 236th execution so it could decide whether to hear the appeals.

On Thursday, the high court halted the execution of Duane Edward Buck, whose 1997 death sentence came after a psychologist told jurors that he was more likely to be a future threat to public safety because he is black.

On Tuesday, the justices stayed the execution of Cleve Foster, a former Army recruiter who contends that another man committed the 2002 rape and murder for which he was convicted.

Race has been a factor in the mobilization to save Davis, an African American convicted of killing a white. Davis' supporters think the Savannah police engaged in a frenzied rush to judgment after MacPhail's slaying, coercing African American witnesses to testify against Davis.

Supporters held a news conference Tuesday at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church, former home to the late civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr.

"To execute a man with this much doubt does not bode well for any of us, and, quite frankly, it harkens back to some ugly days in the history of this state," said Ebenezer senior pastor Raphael Warnock. "This is Jim Crow in a new era. There's just too much doubt for this execution to continue."

Amnesty International's Laura Moye said she and others had hoped that the state board, which has more leeway to commute a sentence than the rules-bound courts, would have acted as a "fail safe" to guarantee justice.

The court system, she said, "has completely failed to serve as an adequate safety net, with a focus so narrowly bound on process and procedure that it has completely missed the more morally fundamental question, which is: 'Can the state of Georgia be absolutely sure that it does not have an innocent man facing death on Wednesday?' "

Moye called on the parole board to reconsider.

Davis has few options left. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected his appeal in March, and Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal does not have the power to commute a death sentence.

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