This is a vile excuse for a human being! HE SPEWS NOTHING BUT LIES and has a huge following! THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! The information he shares about female military soliders being raped while serving is true and most certainly seriously needs to be addressed. This SOB TWIST's the truth to justify why muslim men and women kill. He NEVER admits that these (radical) muslims are murdering innocent men, women and children almost every day!!! NEVER! And if you don't believe that muslims murder and think it is propaganda, please scroll down my page to watch a video of muslims beheading other people because they were offended or that person refused to live by their standards. Yeah, they actually video taped themselves slicing off people's heads and you can see and hear how they take great pleasure in doing so.
We need to stop making excuses and pointing fingers away to others. Evil is evil period. LOOK AT IT! Who gives a crap about mind control. The Fort Hood shooter was a MURDERER! He pulled the f***ing trigger. MURDER is wrong no matter who is committing it!
And YES I know there are countless of other pastor's around the world from every faith who twist/distort the TRUTH and spread hatred to push their own personal agenda and influence many to become a replica of their evil mindset. I single Louis Farrakhan out because he supports the radical Islamic heinous human nature, he even defends it. I've posted speeches of his before where he speaks of and even glorifies the coming Islamic GLOBAL domination where everyone is living under Islamic sharia law. Yes, you need to know that that is their aim. It is not a myth.
And YES I know there are countless of other pastor's around the world from every faith who twist/distort the TRUTH and spread hatred to push their own personal agenda and influence many to become a replica of their evil mindset. I single Louis Farrakhan out because he supports the radical Islamic heinous human nature, he even defends it. I've posted speeches of his before where he speaks of and even glorifies the coming Islamic GLOBAL domination where everyone is living under Islamic sharia law. Yes, you need to know that that is their aim. It is not a myth.
I have typed a transcript for my international readers who need to translate and to keep as evidence because other videos I've posted of him giving vile speeches have been removed.
Louis Farrakhan gives speech at Millions March, Harlem, NY
August 13, 2011.
Did you know that according to NPR a 2004 study found that 71% of the women said they were sexually assaulted or raped while serving in the United States armed forces. A 1995 study of female veterans of the Gulf and earlier wars found that 90% had been sexually harrased and these are American soldiers sexually harrasing and raping women, American women who are soldiers. Now you tell me something, if an American soldier will raped an American soldier female, when they become the occupying army in Iraq, in Afghanistan, what are they doing to muslm women? what are they doing to muslim men? Sodimizing men in Abu Gray prison, raping Iraqi women dressed like our muslim sisters, but raping them and then killing their families. Listen listen listen you don't join the armed forces to be nation builders, you join the armed forces and they train you to kill. You're killers and when you go into a foreign country they have to make you see that people as the enemy so that you will delight in killing them.
So why did Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan a muslim psychiatrist at Fort Hood go on a shooting spree after being assigned to debrief soldiers who came back from the theatre of war and they're telling him of the things that they did that were against their conscience now and a muslim psychiatrist is hearing them talking about the rape of muslim women, the killing and sodimizing of families. He couldn't take it anymore so he just shot up the soldiers. They want you to think that he is a terrorist. But he was debriefing the terrorists and unfortunately it took his balance.
I'd like to share part of an exchange I had with a friend after posting this video on my facebook profile today.
@Soap: 'their' aim is to live without us bombing them. Have you given that any thought? Are you OK to use drones to slaughter people in sandals?
@Josette (Me): The Arab tribes were killing each other long before any American troops set foot on their land and will continue killing each other long after we leave. No, I do not condone the US drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Congress NEVER approved those attacks that Obama gave orders for!
@Soap: It's all orchestrated Josie. Muslims are not the threat. It is US who are killing them, invading their countries and we are taught to hate them? Get real! Muslim faith preaches peace - read! You are being suckered by propaganda.
Josette: @Soap, the radical muslims have been taught a corrupted version of the Quran. They are murdering innocent muslim men, women and children all over the world who refuse to practice / convert to their version of the corrupted muslim faith. They are murderous spirits. They also murder christians and non-muslims of other faiths. They burn down churches and bomb mosque's during services.
Soap: You suffer from well propagandized islamophobia. You are totally ignorant dear Josie. not more i can add. open your mind and go to the source itself and find out. thnx for the discussion. The cristrian church bombs were done by mossad. wake up, dig deeper!
Soap: That video, like others before, is faked Josie. Like the fake OBL videos. They are slick at it. Like the little girl 'stoned' by muslims. Like the little girl with her face burned because she wore lipstick! Don't swallow that crap. The web is full of this fake propaganda!
Josette: @Soap, faked? I think you may need to watch it again. I'm ignorant? wow! Well if that's how you feel about me, I guess there would be no convincing you of anything. If anybody was brainwashed, it would be you who is ill informed of global affairs.
Soap: No, you are well informed exepting on this topic. Its all orchestrated Josie. Muslims are not the threat. It is US who are killing them, invading their countries and we are taught to hate them? Get real! Muslim faith preaches peace - read! You are being suckered by propaganda.
Josette: @Soap, I have muslim friends. The difference is there are muslims who are taught the corrupted version of the Quran. They are referred to as radical or extremist. The muslims I know and love are Liberal/Moderate muslims who practice the original teachings of the Quran.
Josette: @Soap, and the reason why I say that you are ill informed is because I know people who are living through the nightmare around the world that people like you are saying does not exist!!!
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