August 3, 2011

Sydney, Australia: Teenage Girl Has 'Collar Bomb' With Ransom Note Fastened To Her! WTH?! :o

[The Telegraph UK 8/4/11] UPDATE: Suspicious device attached to Sydney teenager was 'elaborate hoax' by the perpetrator. Mr Murdoch said instructions in a ransom note left by the intruder were "articulate and specific", leading police to believe that he knew what he was well versed in bomb-making.

Miss Pulver was forced to remain in one position for ten hours after a masked intruder reportedly left a ransom note warning he would detonate the supposed bomb, which was attached to her neck by a chain, if she attempted to escape.

There were also reports that the perpetrator warned Miss Pulver he had left a microphone with the bomb in order to monitor her remotely.

The motive behind the attack remained unclear last night, but police said extortion remained a major line of inquiry. Police were investigating whether the family had been the subject of threats in the past.


The Daily Telegraph AU
written by Mark Morri, Clementine Cunoe and Nathan Klein
Wednesday August 3, 2011

POLICE are trying to defuse a bomb strapped to a teenage girl at a multimillion dollar house at Burrawong Avenue in Mosman.

The drama unfolded at 2.40pm this afternoon when an 18-year-old girl called police to the mansion in Burrawong Avenue, Mosman 'following discovery of a suspicious device'.

It was not clear how the device came to be strapped to the girl but it is understood she did not place it there herself.

A senior police poice officer described the device as an unusual 'collar bomb' which has never been seen before in Australia.

He said they believed it was an extortion attempt and that the initial details of the situation were being conveyed to police via the girl's father.

The girl, who is part of one of Sydney's wealthiest families is understood to be 'absolutely petrified'.

Police believe the ransom note is attached to her neck but bomb experts have been unable at this point to read its contents.

The street is home to racing identity Gai Waterhouse, ex-Wallaby Phil Kearns and John Eales.
Police have cordoned off the house and a command post has been set-up on the corner of Burrawong Ave and David Street.

Police Bomb Squad officers are currently examining the device, while other emergency services are in support at the scene with the teen's parents.

A third police rescue vehicle has entered the crime scene, as well as a number of detectives.

The girl is only in Year 12 and is believed to be studying her HSC this year. She celebrated her 18th birthday three weeks ago.

Her parents are outside the home comforting each other.

Police said they could not elaborate except to say a 'delicate operation' was in progress.

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