August 14, 2011

Penn & Teller Bullshit - Global Warming

LOL! I loved it!!! YAY! I'm so glad they did a full episode on this scam! :) PART 2!!! Al Gore's HYPOCRISY IS EXPOSED!!! They did a great job with the info for a 30 minute segment!!!

I want to let you know that I too fell for the "Save the Planet" campaign because I love nature! Until one day I stopped to think about it for a moment and said to myself: Wait a minute, planet earth has been around for billions of years. It's not the planet that needs saving, it's humanity! The planet will outlive humanity. All mother earth needs to do is shake us off and restore herself. Mother earth / nature is much more POWERFUL than any human on this planet as we have witnessed with the tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornados, hurricanes, cyclones etc.

Plus think about it for a moment, planet earth has survived being struck by many asteroids. As is evident with all the meteor craters all over the world. Click HERE to "Explore fifty of earth's most obvious asteroid impact sites with satellite images and maps." One gargantuan asteroid is said to have wiped out the dinosaurs. [American Scientific 3/4/10] A Theory Set in Stone: An Asteroid Killed the Dinosaurs, After All: A single asteroid impact near the Yucatan remains the best explanation for the massive Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, scientists conclude in a new, deep review. Evidence from around the globe seems to point to a massive asteroid impact as the cause of the major extinction event on earth 65.5 million years ago. That rock was likely about 10 kilometers across and created a crater more than 100 kilometers wide.

Yes, we do need to respect nature and responsibly dispose our waste. After all, we are part of nature. But in reality as I've mentioned many times before when it comes to climate change, all humanity can do is prepare and respond. Al Gore's EGO is over-inflated thinking that he can control NATURE! Our ancient ancestor's are looking down upon us with shock and horror for being deceived by this con and his ilk who just want to CONTROL our consumption, our behavior, the general population growth!

I've taken the following from the youtube description:

Man made Global Warming is BULLSHIT !!! See how and why you are sold the lie of global warming to enslave you into a system of feudal serfdom.

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