August 5, 2011

Lieberman Says We Need To Cut Social Security To Pay For Defense! Oh Really NOW?!

Oh really now let's get clear on what an entitlement is shall we?

Entitlements: A government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group. [source: glossery]

If our federal government didn't force us to pay into social security and medicare than I would call those two programs an entitlement. I chose the governments grants website glossery for a reason. Talk about wasting taxpayer dollars on NON-GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS and groups that are not a government arm. Then we wonder why there is no money for actual government programs!!! That's called pay for play. I scratch your back with federal funds and you vote for me in the next election wink wink. I'd like to share an exchange I had on facebook with a friend of mine.

Russ: Social Security is NOT an entitlement - SS AND Medicare funds are mandated loans to the Federal Government - it is OUR money - Welfare is an entitlement - they did not pay anything into it and they are getting OUR Tax Dollars - CUT THAT - SS and Medicare is OWED to US!!!!!!!

Josette (Me): AGREED! Not only is welfare an entitlement but government employee retirement PENSIONS and retirement MEDICAL!!! NO MORE! This includes everyone in Washington D.C. who rec 6 figure salaries for the rest of their lives on the taxpayer dime. They voted to bless themselves with such egregious legal theft! BOTH SIDES republican and democrats!!! I want TERM LIMITS and every new political candidate sign a pledge to revoke these government employee entitlements!!! They can afford to pay for their own retirement income and medical like the rest of us!!! They have EXEMPTED themselves from the social security and medicare system so they are NOT FORCED to pay like the rest of us. But can still receive SS and medicare. Nice deal huh?!

Russ: Absolutely! They have TAKEN our money through payroll deductions through the years and then tell us they can't give it back... this is absolutely outrageous!

Josette: D.C. has been stealing from the SS and Medicare Trust funds for decades that should have been locked and only used to pay out the benefits.

Josette: They force us to pay for government run Social Security retirement income and government run medicare retirement medical and all of these aholes get FREE LAVISH private sector pension retirement income and FREE LAVISH private sector retirement medical at the TAXPAYERS EXPENSE! They don't pay squat into their accounts. And then have the NERVE to say they can't afford to pay us the money they TOOK from us!!! and yes I know SS and Medicare pays out more than we put into these programs, but that is also called lifetime INTEREST accrued even if it is a pittance! >:/


Oh and if you want to SLAM the republicans for bringing up social security and medicare restructuring, then you need to read the following articles. President Obama and the DEMOCRATS passed Obamacare in which they gut MEDICARE! No republicans voted for Obamacare!!!

[Wall Street Journal 9/9/10] How ObamaCare Guts Medicare: The president's pledge that 'If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep it' clearly does not apply to America's seniors.

Altogether, ObamaCare cuts $818 billion from Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) from 2014-2023, the first 10 years of its full implementation, and $3.2 trillion over the first 20 years, 2014-2033. Adding in ObamaCare cuts for Medicare Part B (physicians fees and other services) brings the total cut to $1.05 trillion over the first 10 years and $4.95 trillion over the first 20 years.

[The Weekly Standard 1/3/11] Obamacare's Medicare Cuts in the New Year.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that, in 2011, Obamacare will cut Medicare Advantage by $2 billion. According to the CBO, that $2 billion is the first part of the $638 billion that Obamacare, if not repealed, is poised to cut from Medicare and related federal programs over the next decade.

The $638 billion in cuts, followed by more than $1.5 trillion in cuts in the seven years to follow (according to the CBO) -- for a total of $2.2 trillion in cuts to Medicare and related federal programs by that point (according to the CBO) -- would have real-world effects on the quality of care.

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