August 17, 2011


The video I watched was uploaded onto Facebook. I found another website that had the same video, but I am unable to embed the code so that I can post it on my blog. Please click HERE to be directed to the horrific video I'm referring to that was uploaded on Facebook. You do not need to friend anybody. The video was made public. This is NOT a movie. This is the real deal. The twisted human beings actually video tapped themselves for pleasure!!! It is what it is. You can continue to close your eyes and pretend these twisted human beings don't exist or you can watch this video and see for yourself what they take pleasure in.

This video is equivalent to the dolphin / seal slaughter or whale murder video's. Yes, they are very hard to watch. But must be shared in order to expose the heinous human nature that exist.


WARNING this video was very hard for me to watch!!!!!!!! Satans' spawn. Their (g)od is the devil. So when they shout Allah Akbar, it's to their (g)od be the greatest by spreading this EVIL!!

They are SOULESS walking dead who have NO RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE! Listen to them laugh while cutting off those heads by hand and draining the blood in the bowl. They slice off their heads while still alive. They are even beheading out in the streets in front of children like it's no big deal. No cops, no arrest. It's their normal. The people in this video doing the beheadings are not Al Qaeda or the Taliban.

The only other religion that I know for a fact that does the same is Black Witch Craft and all of its branches ie; Santeria, Voodoo. Yes, Black Witch Craft is very real and they worship the dark forces. Only they sacrifice human beings to their (g)od of the dark world in a ritualistic ceremony. Unlike these radical Islamic barbarians who murder because they like to or because someone offended them. But they are both serving the same (g)od otherwise know as Satan, Lucifer, lord of the dark world, lord over the walking dead/soulless human beings.

These muslims are radical Islamic who have been misled to believe a corrupted version of the Quran. It's supposed to be Ramadan, holy days and they been bombing and killing innocent civilians men, women and children who just so happen to be muslim. They are murderous spirits. There is nothing holy about this version of the muslim religion. But there are muslims that are liberal and moderate who do not practice this evil version of the muslim religion. These liberal/moderate muslims are being murdered all over the world for not wanting to convert to their evil ways. Christians are also being murdered in other parts of the world by these radical muslims too. It's horrible. :(

My friend Josephine wrote, "Can anyone please tell me what CHRISTIAN religion promotes this kind of behavior? Napolitano equates Tea Party Patriots to Terroists. WHY?" EXACTLY! I'd like to share the Homeland Security "If you see something, say something" public awareness video. Please pay attention to who HLS is referencing as the terrorist we need to be "worried" about. They are white men. I thought we were being violated at the airport and other public locations because Islamic extremist want to kill Americans. Isn't that why George W. Bush created the US Dept of Homeland Security with layers upon layers upon layers of agencies? Because of the 9/11 attacks by Islamic extremist? So why are there no Islamic extremist shown in this video? or all of their other videos I just watched? Our civil liberties are being stripped away because of whom?

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