August 11, 2011

Felonious Munk Presents: Stop It B! This Episode: OBAMA PAY YOUR &*%$#% BILLS

LOL! Loved it! He was straight up speaking what's on all of our minds!


I would like to add that just because the Bush administration screwed us for 8 straight years, doesn't give president Obama and the democrats a free pass to screw us even more! The democratic party have made Bush/Cheney look like petty thieves!!! Obama/Biden have kept all of the Bush/Cheney laws that we abhorred ie; Patriot Act and Miltary Commissions Act, but added more horrific laws that take away our civil liberties and freedom of choice ie; Obamacare, Food bill and new TSA rules. Obama/Biden not only kept Bush/Cheney wars but ADD 2 MORE Libya and Yemen!!! Bush/Cheney added $4.9 trillion to our national debt in 8 years, Obama/Biden added $4 TRILLION in 2 1/2 years!!! Let's see what else? Oh yeah, Bush had Enron, Obama has General Electric, General Motors, Chrysler and Unions! Bush had oil subsidies, Obama has green subsidies.

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