July 26, 2011

One Man, The Only Vote That Matters. North Korean Marxist Communist Dictator Kim Jong Il Participates In His Country’s Election Sunday

Korea RealTime via WSJ
written by Evan Ramstad
Tuesday July 26, 2011

It was no contest. Literally.

North Korea held an election on Sunday. There were 28,116 posts being filled in cities, towns, provinces and districts around the country of 24 million people.

When it was over, no purple thumbs were being held up in triumph.

North Korea’s state media on Tuesday reported the results, leading with the news that nearly all eligible voters participated. “Only those on foreign tour or working in oceans could not take part in the election,” it said.

And it said that not a single vote in opposition to any of the candidates, all chosen by the Korean Workers’ Party on behalf of Kim Jong Il’s regime, were cast.

At least that’s what was reported in Korean. In its English-language dispatch, the state news agency didn’t mention the unanimous outcome. The agency’s English report said, “99.97 percent of all the voters registered in the lists took part in the election and voted for the candidates for deputies registered in the relevant constituencies.”

The state news agency also said the election “fully demonstrated the might of the single-minded unity of the revolutionary ranks and advantages of Korean-style socialism.”

While that “single-minded unity” clearly eliminates the need for exit polls, one question remains: why did it take two days to get the results?

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