July 24, 2011

Norway Shooter And Bomber's Facebook Deception

Vancouver Sun provided the link to his twitter and facebook profiles that were created LAST WEEK on an article of theirs I shared with you on Friday. Please scroll down my blog to read. I wanted to share the profile links with my readers on two articles I shared on Friday. Right before I went to bed at around 3am Saturday, I went to the Vancouver Sun article to pull the twitter and facebook links and noticed the facebook link was removed. I did a search on facebook and could not find anything with his name on facebook. NOTHING at around 3am on Saturday. I explained the above to my friends, they too did a search on facebook and confirmed back to me that nothing was found. His original facebook profile that you see below was removed sometime before 3am on Saturday. Click the picture to get the full view.
Below is the new facebook profile that was created sometime AFTER 3am on Saturday. This is the profile the media keeps referencing. Talk about DECEPTION! The shooter couldn't have changed it, he was already in police custody. Right?! Compare and contrast the changes made in these two profiles. Look carefully at what was altered. See for yourself what type of person and which specific groups "they" are targeting and wanting to incriminate and suppress. I will boldly say this, BOTH PROFILE's were falsely created for malintent. The people who created him and his image must have had an afterthought. Click the picture to get the full view.

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