Oh my God! This message given by Dr. Juanita Bynum has just blown my mind and connected with my spirit in an unbelievable way! I was just talking to my friend about this very subject late last night. I so needed to hear this WORD from above! Thank you God for confirming that you heard me or better put that I heard you correctly. I hope this message touches you in the same way it has me. I have typed a transcript of only the first 5 minutes for my international readers who need to translate. Enjoy!
I'm going to try to help you understand what He's trying to say here. It says here that Wisdom is God's Word and life's experience. God said that My Destiny in you is like the navigation system in your car. When I get in my car and I program an address in my car. I can be in my car, and when I start driving I can be crying but that lady is going to say keep going two blocks to the left. She don't care that I'm crying, she ain't stopping giving me direction because I'm in tears. That lady ain't stopping because I'm wailing out to God. Listen she doesn't stop telling me where I'm going she says in two more miles prepare to turn left and three more exits. I can be speaking in tongues. I can be saying I can't make it. But the navigational system keeps talking and that's what I'm talking about. That's why I know we ain't got no Word from God. Because when you get a WORD from God, you can be going through the fire but the spiritual navigation will keep saying their lying but keep going, their talking about you but keep going, you're almost there. BAM You're at DESTINY!
Do you know why I'm preaching like this? Because I feel like there is somebody in here that's going through the fire. But you better tell the devil I changed my mind. I'm going through the fire but I'm going after my DESTINY at the same time. Start shouting for your DESTINY!
We're headed to another dimension. You see everybody want's to go to other levels. Let me tell you what's wrong with that. You see we've got too many planes in here. We've got too many people that's waiting on the runway waiting to take off. We've got too many people waiting for another man in the control tower to tell you that you're number 20 in line. But I'm going to tell something a plane can go to another city but it can't go to another dimension. When it caps off at 36,000 feet it has to stop because the pressure is too high. But you see I'm not talking to everybody in here because not everybody is going to get this. But I know somebody got this!
You see there is another system their using and that's called a rocket. A rocket has one thing it needs to do, stay with his head pointed up and stay in position. What happens is you've got to wait until you get enough fire underneath the rocket. You say you're going through the fire? Let me tell you why you're going through the fire because God is about to shoot somebody into another dimension. A rocket don't go to another city. It goes to another realm. It goes to another level. It's somewhere out in the hemisphere. Who am I talking to right there. It goes to where no man has gone before. I don't know about you but I'm ready to do something that ain't never happen before.
There is some people in here that have been going through hell. But I'm going to tell you what I want you to do right now. You better start doing like those people in that rocket ship. They're not worrying about how they're going to get there. Because they've got enough fire. So whatever you're doing tonight? Whatever you're visions are? Whatever you're dreams are? And you've been to hell and back. Maybe that's you're guarantee that's it's about to happen for you! That's why you ought to start shouting right now. That's why you've got to start praising God! This is your time. This is your moment when you better tell the devil it ain't over 'til God says it's over!
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