July 14, 2011

Full Moon in Capricorn: Great Teachings

About.com Astrology
written by Molly Hall
Thursday July 14, 2011

The Full Moon on July 15th at 2:40 am EDT, is at 22 Capricorn, the earth sign of embodiment -- being of the world, and deep in it. Coming after the trio of eclipses, it's a night flash on what's essential and has substance. Out of subterranean knowing, come intuitive impressions of something that feels authentic and lasting.

Capricorn is the sign of climbing mountains, and being dedicated to what matters deeply to us. At the Full Moon, we're drawn into the karma-heavy, rich, musty, earthy caves of our collective past -- the history of real life -- and can find the wisdom of the ages there.

With the Sun in Cancer , what's illuminated, is held in a balance with emotional memory.

The Cancer-Capricorn opposition blends two signs that draw in what they need, and fiercely resist what they don't want. Both can appear to brood and go deep within, only to end up surrounding themselves with emotional and material structures that are built to last.

This full Moon can root you in the home of the Self, where you take stock of what you've got, and what you need. Capricorn is tough love personified, and allows you to let go of what is no longer working. The Full Moon in this wise old sign takes us to the depths and the peaks. It's a particular kind of sight, one where you might get the thousand yard stare. You're watching with a knowing that includes the intellect, but is so much more.


Capricorn is a sign used to uphill climbs, and the universe seems to know the Seagoat signed up for master class in Earth school. The phrase stuck between a rock and a hard place comes to mind. Capricorn has the fortitude to endure, and act when the time is right.

Pluto Capricorn is in close orb at the Full Moon to Jupiter in Taurus, for deep access to insight about structure, and viable pathways to get where you want to go! This can be a boost to your productivity, as you find stamina and ways to make it real.

There's also a mentally stimulating trine in air signs from Saturn Libra to Mars Gemini. It's great for flexibility, and being able to see the same situation from many angles. If the winds of change shift suddenly, an open mind allows you to quickly adapt, and act on the doors that it opens unexpectedly.

It's been an intense stretch for many lately, and here we've got a chance to come home to what has true depth and resonance. What resounds to the bones and echoes through time? Lie on the ground and listen, take yourself and your dreams seriously, receive divine hits for your master plan....


•What are you dedicated to cultivating?
•What societal values do you venerate? Are you demonstrating these values?
•What innate talents and/or ambitions could flourish with more self-discipline and good old-fashioned hard work?
•Are there gifts from your tradition (family, nation, region) that are valuable seeds to carry forward?
•What would you like to earn a lifetime achievement award for?
•Is it time to make a deeper commitment to what you know you came here to do?

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