June 29, 2011


"The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society -- more briefly, to find your real job, & do it." ~ by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

I agree with what my friend Peter Kane wrote on facebook, "If a President is asked is something is Constitutional and his response is "I'm not in the Supreme Court and I'm not going to put my Constitutional cap on...". That means the Commander and Chief cannot understand the law of the land?"

Thanks for sharing this political cartoon and quote Ebani!!! :) I would like to share an exchange I had on facebook after Ebani posted this on her profile.

James: Who said he was redistributing wealth? Is that some neo-conservative buzzword or just some talking point that right-wing idiots made up during the election?

Josette (Me): ‎@James, "redistributing wealth" he did during the elections and where have you been the last 2 1/2 years? Do you not keep up with current events? oh and the U.S. Constitution is neither "right wing" nor "left wing" That document is a contract that PROTECTS ALL AMERICANS from elected officials who turn out to be dirty rotten scoundrels.

James: He hasn't redistributed wealth. For 1, you must understand the meaning of that word. Aside from, nothing has been shifted. What you're doing Josette, is repeating a platitude. There's ZERO data to support that claim. As for your exhibits Ebony, they're quite vague. Come better than that.

Ebani: @James FYI, It's Ebani.... Besides calling people who believe in the Constitution & capitalism idiots, how about you tell me how he is not redistributing wealth? I respect your 1st amendment, so respect mine, so save your disrespectful way of debate. Keep it classy.

Doug: @james - you seem to be parsing words, prepping a petty game of liberal semantics.. Do you honestly want some sort of proof that Obama stole my bank card and is caught on camera using an ATM machine (aka Job Killer) to withdraw my money, before handing out my cash to homeless persons on the street?

You must be aware of the many instrumentality of Gov't used to meet the ambitions of shady politicians, right?

How about starting with the expedited bankruptcy proceedings of Chrysler. 1) he had his hands all over that 2) property of 1st Lien holders assets were "re-distributed" to the unions.

Ebani: The Left's Economic Terrorism Playbook: Coalition too Destroy US Capitalism and Redistribute Wealth VIDEO in their own words.

Doug: Take the non-specific platitudes of ALL of his speeches on why the economy is failing.. It boils down to the same old quasi-keynesian totalitarian argument.

"YOU (the people) can not be trusted nor expected to spend your money in the plac...es which drive demand (free market) and create jobs or a flourishing economy..... So, thankfully, me and my cronies with the harvard law degrees have a plan. (ab)Using the powers in the 16th amendment, commerce, and general welfare clauses, Ms. Pelosi et al will decide where your money will be better spent for the benefit of the entire nation. Starting with these Shovel ready Jobs!!" ______enter laugh line here

Just remember this as you slave your way to success: “At a Certain Point, You've Made Enough Money” ~ Obama

No matter how noble one may believe in his causes, it simply doesnt justify legal political theft. Is a bank-robber breaking the law if he writes his notes neatly and gives 50% to the church? No. It's still someone elses property he's stealing.

Wow... Ebani, that video is intense... Liberal ideology 101 right down to the heinous soul of Saul Alinsky himself.

Josette: @James, do yourself a favor and look up TALF and PPIP. Those two bills were passed immediately after Obama became President. Obama is redistributing the "MIDDLE CLASS" wealth to the top and the bottom and literally annihilating the hard working middle class.

James: At the end of the day, Obeezy did what he had to do. It's a nice fantasy to just let things fall apart a la, John Galt burning factories. But fantasies don't feed your citizens. Besides, giving tax money to Goldman-Sachs in order to have some kind of capital to present to the Fed is NOT redistributing wealth. It's called BACKING A SPECULATION.

Doug: I like the "do what you have to do clause" I mean, gee whiz beave. I can't imagine politicians not justifying any initiative with THAT sort of excuse.

Can you show me where in the constitution the Gov't claims the responsibility to FEED THE CITIZENS? I keep looking, but I can't seem to find it. I guess it comes after that part where iphones/ipads are a "right", Healthcare is invented and delivered from Gov't fairies (see liberal fantasies), and people can purchase cars, rims, cell phones, and hennessy with the money in their pocket, while the gov't covers the "non-essentials" like food, insurance, and digital cable boxes with the money from OTHER hard working citizens..

and my eyes might be deceiving me, but did you say "speculation"? I thought that's something only evil Oil companies did while trying to scam John Q. Public... whodathunkit

Josette: @Doug, ***APPLAUSE***

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