June 17, 2012

God's Love Letter To You... ♥

Whether you believe in Jesus (Yahshua) or not, this 6 minute video is a beautiful interpretation of God's love for us ALL. God is Abba, which means papa or daddy in Aramaic, our Heavenly Father. ♥

I hope you do take a moment to watch this video and listen. Just close your eyes and allow your spirit to connect with the message. You are not just a blob of flesh, this body we find ourselves in is our earth suit. You are a spiritual being that can emanate the most beautiful energy or the most negative energy around you. The choice is always yours to make. Whether you are conscious of it or not. It's time to be conscientious of your actions and how you treat others. We must all be mindful that there are always consequences for our actions. Cause and effect is a Universal Law that cannot be changed. Always remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated... with LOVE, KINDNESS and RESPECT.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
~ by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ♥

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