May 19, 2011

Supreme Court Erodes 4th Amendment Protections- Eases Ability For Police To Enter Your Home Without Warrant

written by Rick Ungar
Tuesday May 17, 2011

In a surprising 8-1 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that police can knock down the door to your home and enter if they hear noises that lead them to believe that evidence is being destroyed.

The Kentucky case resulting in the ruling involved the police smelling marijuana in the hallway of an apartment building while chasing a suspect they believed was engaged in selling crack cocaine. When the police knocked on the door of the apartment (which was not the apartment of the initial suspect the police were pursuing) and announced themselves, they heard ‘noises’ inside which led them to believe that evidence was being destroyed. In response, they broke down the door and entered the apartment.

In writing the majority decision, Justice Samuel Alito said that residents who “attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame” when police burst in.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the only dissenting vote, expressed concern that allowing this type of police behavior would undermine the 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure. Previously, police officers had to have reasonable cause and a search warrant before breaking into a home unless they believed there was an emergency occurring inside. In other words, if the police heard someone screaming, they were free to break down a door and enter a home without a warrant. However, hearing a flushing toilet, and suspecting that illegal drugs were being destroyed, was not enough to allow them to enter without a court issued edict.

Ginsburg writes in her minority opinion –
The court today arms the police with a way routinely to dishonor the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement in drug cases. In lieu of presenting their evidence to a neutral magistrate, police officers may now knock, listen, then break the door down, never mind that they had ample time to obtain a warrant.

How ‘secure’ do our homes remain if police, armed with no warrant, can pound on doors at will and …forcibly enter?”

While the decision is not, in and of itself, unexpected given the conservative leanings of the Court, the fact that all but Justice Ginsberg went along with the ruling did come as something of a surprise to legal experts.

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