May 17, 2011

Scorpio Full Moon, May 17 2011: Becoming whole! Heads Up Everybody! Great Read!

Scorpio Full Moon, May 17 2011: Becoming whole
written by Lynn Hayes
[source: Beliefnet]

The Moon is full in Scorpio on May 17th at 7:09 am EDT, 11:09 am GMT, meaning that the Scorpio Moon will be exactly opposite the Sun in Taurus at that time. The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle: the point at which the Moon reaches its fullness and prepares for the waning phase of the cycle. That point of fullness shows the Moon at the peak of her power.

The astrological Moon represents our emotions and describes the way we feel about things, but it is so much more complex than this. The Moon is the inner child; it describes our fear of the unknown and tells where we retreat to safety. The Moon is feminine in nature: changeable, powerful in its mystery, and comforting in its brilliance. The waxing Moon represents the maiden in the first flush of beauty; the waning Moon represents the aging crone in her wisdom and power. The Full Moon represents the comfort of the mother, and when we observe the Full Moon in the sky we often feel more connected to the essence of the Moon than at other times of the cycle. We call her “Luna” – we acknowledge her power.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign – it is emotional but it is also powerful. The fixed signs stand firm and unyielding, persistent and often stubborn and resistant to change. Scorpio’s traditional ruler is Mars, so it is a fiery water sign which requires the courage (Mars) to face the demons of the darkness below. Scorpio’s modern ruler is Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. You can see how in Scorpio we must take the courage of Mars so that we can follow the Lord of the Underworld into his domain of the Ultimate Truth, leaving our fear at the door.

When the Moon is full in Scorpio, the Moon opposes the Sun in Taurus. Taurus is the opposite of Scorpio: where Scorpio demands intensity, Taurus seeks peace and serenity. Where Scorpio seeks to eliminate anything that no longer works for us, Taurus wants to hold onto the security of possessions. The Scorpio Full Moon is probably the most intense of all of the lunations because Scorpio’s very nature is to confront and reveal.

However, during this Full Moon we have a triple conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Mars all in Taurus to assist in the stabilizing influence. The traditional ruler of the Moon’s sign (Mars) is in the Sun’s sign of Taurus, which helps to link the Sun and the Moon and help us to create balance. Any opposition, in which two planets reside in opposite signs, require balance and integration between the two and here we have assistance to do so. It also helps that the three Taurus planets are in a harmonious sextile to both Chiron and Neptune, which help to facilitate the flow of energy so that we can find our footing more easily.

This Scorpio Full Moon is all about opening the heart and allowing the dark emotions to rise to the light of day and find the security and serenity offered by the Taurus Sun and other planets in that sign. Chiron and Neptune provide a healing balm to assist in that process if we allow the emotional unwinding to take place.

If we close the doors to the heart during this Full Moon and try to lock our hidden feelings away in the basement of the psyche, they will almost certainly rattle the doors and the windows in their attempt to seek the light of day. But if we open up those doors and windows and welcome the messages from the heart to emerge in whatever form they choose to take, a powerful healing and transformation is the gift of the Scorpio Full Moon.

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