O-M-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is OUTRAGEOUS! This is ONLY one district in the US! It's time to get rid of the DEA and the Teachers Unions out of government public services! They are a government within a government paying themselves whatever they heck they want at our expense! We need to put our full support behind the TEACHERS, STUDENTS and CLASSROOMS! That's more than the President of the United States earns per year!!! and the POTUS is the highest public service seat in this nation!!! WOW! I'm appalled and these con-artist who are blatantly taking advantage of the American people!!! and our representatives letting them get away with this crapola! Nothing you can say will justify this to the public. Do you know how many good teachers that district could have hired with that money?!?! Just think about that.
This is so wrong! Teachers are being cut, classes are being cut. No art, science, physical education. In some districts NO TOILET PAPER! Parents have to send their kids to school with toilet paper! But the public service teachers union advocates these ridiculous salaries for the administrators at the top! SHAMEFUL!
This is so wrong! Teachers are being cut, classes are being cut. No art, science, physical education. In some districts NO TOILET PAPER! Parents have to send their kids to school with toilet paper! But the public service teachers union advocates these ridiculous salaries for the administrators at the top! SHAMEFUL!
Bloomberg news
written by Esmé E. Deprez
Wednesday May 18, 2011
James Hunderfund, who earns at least $225,000 a year as a school superintendent on Long Island, is also entitled to a $316,245 annual pension from a previous administrative post, according to a compilation of pension data by the Empire Center for New York State Policy.
Hunderfund retired in 2006 as superintendent of the Commack school district, also on Long Island. His current contract with Malverne stipulates that he receive an annual salary of no less than $225,000 through June 30, according to Empire’s report, which used a database from the New York State Teachers Retirement System.
His maximum benefit was the highest of the 136,644 teachers and administrators collecting pensions in 2010, said the report, which doesn’t detail how the benefits were calculated or the final salary of the named pensioners. The report found that 1,255, or less than 1 percent, of retired New York educators are entitled to annual retirement pay of at least $100,000.
Hunderfund didn’t immediately return phone and e-mail messages seeking comment.
The average pension for educators retiring in 2010 was $52,270, compared with $38,924 for all retirees, the report said. It also found that 1,167 took in benefits with annualized values of between $100,000 and $150,000. Two people’s benefits were valued between $250,000 and $300,000.
‘What a Surprise’
New York-based Manhattan Institute, Empire’s parent organization, supports turning state defined-benefit pensions into 401(k)-type plans, similar to what is offered at private companies. It says on its website that “public-employee unions have been the major stumbling block to pension reform throughout the country.”
“What a surprise -- an interest group representing Wall Street wants to reduce government spending,” Carl Korn, a spokesman for the New York State United Teachers, an umbrella group for state teachers’ unions, said by telephone from Albany. “There’s nothing new here. All this report does is perpetuate myths about public pensions like the average public-employee makes a six-figure pension, which isn’t true.”
Most of the top earners on Empire’s list are school administrators and superintendents, while the median salary for teachers in the state is $66,000 a year, Korn said.
Maximum Benefit
The “maximum annual pension” reflects the highest amount to which a retiree is entitled, not necessarily what was collected during the past year, the report said. Some retirees started collecting benefits mid-year or may have chosen to collect a lower monthly benefit so as to preserve a larger death benefit for their beneficiaries, it said.
Yesterday, New York voters passed 94 percent of school- district budgets, boosting average spending for the coming academic year by 1.3 percent, the smallest increase in 15 years. Tax levies will increase 3.4 percent on average, less than the six-year average of 4.2 percent and more than last year’s 3.2 percent, the School Boards Association said in a statement.
The vote was the first since Governor Andrew Cuomo cut state aid to districts by about $1.25 billion in his $132.5 billion budget for fiscal 2012. Cuomo is also pushing lawmakers to pass a property-tax cap by the legislative session’s end on June 20, a move that will restrict the ability of school boards to counteract the cuts, the association said.
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