May 21, 2011

Here's The First Interview With Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin After His Early Release From Fort Leavenworth Military PRISON On 5/14/2011 After Obama Had Him Court Martialed In December 2010

Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin lost everything he worked hard for in the military because of Obama. Nothing has been restored. So sad Obama would ruin a US military soliders career because he refused to release his long form birth certificate 5 months earlier. Now that's very telling! Oh and I would also like to emphasize that had Donald Trump not made repeated public demands for President Obama to release his long form birth certificate, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin would STILL BE held as a military prisoner at Fort Leavenworth. So thank you very much Mr. Donald Trump for speaking up. You are the ONLY VIP who did.

American Thinker
written by Peter Landesman
Friday May 13, 2011

Whatever surreptitious scheming lay behind President Obama's obfuscation of his birthplace, he should sympathize with those who were injured by his actions, such as Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin. Court-martialed and imprisoned for refusing to obey a command from a president he did not consider legitimate, Lieutenant Colonel Lakin will be released from the brig this Saturday, May 14, 2011.

Now that the President has made public the long form of his birth certificate and Lieutenant Colonel Larkin's main issue, will he permit Lieutenant Colonel Lakin to live with the ignominy of a dishonorable discharge? Hopefully not! No juvenile juggling of background information can justify the imprisonment of a person.

Since the President has expressed great concern for the oppressed, will he help Lieutenant Colonel Lakin? If he does not, then he would be articulating noble principles yet not applying them.

Mr. President, how about inviting Lieutenant Colonel Lakin for a beer at the White House? As an inducement, you could offer to reinstate the Lieutenant Colonel's back pay and benefits. The press might then compare you to Abraham Lincoln, who truly did spend many hours meeting with individuals to help correct bureaucratic errors. Your public display of compassion, Mr. President, will make you seem generous and humane to those independents who have questioned your integrity.

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