May 26, 2011

Congress: Arrest Mr. Obama

On May 18, 2010 at 5pm a jury of 12 American citizens handed down a verdict against Mr. Barack Obama, Mr. Michael Sovereign and the trustees of Columbia University, finding them GUILTY of ALL 17 counts in the indictment. The indictment covered the charges of sedition, conspiracy, mail and wire fraud to name just a few. Mr. Barack Obama never attended Columbia University.

The C.I.A. Columbia, Obama Sedition and Treason Trial Transcript. Please click HERE to view the trial transcript.

This historic document is the eternal fruit of the labor and sacrifice of some of America’s greatest patriots.

This transcript contains the unabridged truth spoken and witnessed by fellow Americans who did so with their lives and liberties under the threat of death.

You will find contained herein a clear portrait of the most insidious, mysterious and feared man in the history of our Republic.

Please use and view this document as a declaration of liberty from the failure of our government to protect and defend the people called Americans, and the hallowed words of the U.S. Constitution.

God anoint and save this document.
God save and bless America.

In His Royal Service,
Dr. James David Manning

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