April 20, 2011

Radical Islamist Gunmen Attack Home In North Iraq, Kill (MURDER) 3 Muslim Women!!!

The State
written by YAHYA BARZANJI - Associated Press
Monday April 18, 2011

SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq — Police say gunmen stormed a house in a northern, ethnically mixed city in Iraq, killing three women who lived there.

Police Col. Sherzad Mofaly says it's not clear why the women were targeted in the attack late Monday in the city of Kirkuk.

The women were Shiites from southern Iraq who recently moved to the city located 180 miles (290 kilometers) north of Baghdad.

Mofaly says two were sisters, one was a teacher and the other was a lawyer. The third woman was a relative.

Ethnic tensions have long simmered among Arabs, both Shiites and Sunnis, and Kurds in Kirkuk.

Separately, three policemen and two bystanders were wounded by a roadside bomb in Baghdad on Tuesday. The bomb was planed near a security checkpoint outside Iraq's Finance Ministry.

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