A Faith To Imitate Child-Like Qualities And Its Blessings
written by Pastor Leyrer
In working through this text I came across a poem that provides a fitting conclusion for what we’ve been talking about today. It’s actually a prayer, so in simple, humble and trusting faith I’d ask that you bow your heads and fold your hands. We pray:
Make me, O Lord, a child again. So tender, frail and small.
In self, possessing nothing. In Thee, possessing all.
O Savior, make me small once more. That downward I may grow
And in this heart of mine restore, The faith of long ago.
With Thee may I be crucified, No longer I that lives.
O Savior, crush my sinful pride. By grace, which pardon gives.
Make me, O Lord, a child again. Obedient to Thy call;
In self, possessing nothing. In Thee, possessing all. Amen.
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