April 28, 2011

Compton School Petition Rejected Again! The Parents And Children Are Getting ROYALLY SCREWED By The Public Service Teacher Union! They Don't Care About SERVING THE PUBLIC!

I don't hate teachers. I have the utmost respect for them. My beef is about mismanagement and misuse and abuse of the public education tax revenue allocation received that is supposed to be used for education ie; classroom supplies, teachers and students. Instead the big mucky mucks at the top in adminstration take a chunk of the funds for themselves and their friends and the little that's left trickles down to what's most important ie; classroom supplies, teachers and students. The corruption at the top is what desperately needs to be filtered out.

March 31, 2011

Compton - The Compton Unified School District has again rejected a Parent Trigger Law petition to turn McKinley Elementary School into a charter school. The board says it cannot verify the accuracy of the signatures.

Supporters of the effort claim that more than 60-percent of the parents signed, and that's more than enough under the law.

They claim the board is using tricks and technicalities to maintain an unacceptable status quo.

The next round in this fight will most likely be in court. A hearing is set for April 11th.

Gloria Romero, a former state assemblywoman and a state senator who wrote the parent trigger legislation, heads the Democrats for Education Reform organization.

Romero gives her reaction to the Compton parent trigger law fight in the video report.

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