March 19, 2011

March 19, 2011: “The SuperMoon” Full Moon in Virgo. Here Is Another Great Piece I've Just Come Across. Enjoy! :)

March 19, 2011: “The SuperMoon” Full Moon in Virgo
written by Patrice Thompson


“I am tired, beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little ink drops, and posting it. And I scald alone, here, under the fire of the great moon.” Amy Lowell

There is a Full Moon today at 28 degrees of “perfectionist” Virgo. This lunation is actually a “Super Moon,” meaning that the Moon is at its closest point to Earth (perigee). The last time we had a “Super Moon” was almost two decades ago. This Full Moon will look much bigger in the sky, but the larger size is merely an optical illusion. It will, however, have reportedly greater impact on the tides.

Full Moons tend to bring about “full illumination.” With this Full Moon in logical, analytical Virgo, we have a pitting of the intellect (Virgo) against the emotional (Pisces) self, with the impressionable, imaginative Pisces Sun in opposition to this Moon. With oppositions, we need to find a balance between the two opposing forces. In this case, integrate the “head” (Virgo) with the “heart”(Pisces). Wherever the Virgo Full Moon falls in our personal horoscopes, is the area of life where we may need to do some extra scrutinizing or refinement (Virgo). Also, some elimination now. Virgo likes to take things apart for study under a microscope. This sign symbolically rules the intestines in the body which break down food substances into digestible particles.

Too, this Full Moon opposes “change-agent” Uranus in Aries, a planet associated with “sudden breakthroughs,” sort of a harmonious tie-in with the “revelatory nature” of a Full Moon. Especially this Full Moon in Virgo, a zodiacal sign which intrinsically tends to be more insightful. Uranian energies are also more “highly charged” and with mutable Virgo, the sign of work, being more nervous and restless, we may want to make sure that we keep ourselves occupied now, both physically and mentally. The Virgo Moon always wants to be productive. It also desires to be of service to others.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mohandas Gandhi

Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing.” James Redfield

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