February 17, 2011

Feb-18-2011, Full Moon in Leo: “Think Outside the Box” This Is Another GREAT READ To Prepare For This Full Moon. ♥

Feb-18-2011, Full Moon in Leo: “Think Outside the Box”
written by Linda Miller
[source: Self Growth]

Friday, February 18th, a radiant Full Moon in Leo will appear at 1:35 am MST. We may feel the full-moon energies up to three days before and after the actual event noticing a feeling of increased “fullness” as our emotions and body weight increase.

A Full Moon in the sign of Leo indicates that something is coming to completion, such as a time when things are moving towards their harvest in late summer. This is not an occasion for lounging around, but rather a time to work diligently to prepare for a harvest of sorts. The ‘harvest’ suggested with this Full Moon most likely will be about expressing and communicating new ideas that have been planted, formed and nurtured, especially over the past few weeks. (The past New Moon in Aquarius and Jupiter’s recent ingress into Aries, are signs of personal new birth and creativity).

Transformational thoughts, people, speakers, books, Internet programs, communication devices, environmentally improved vehicles, spiritual teachers, channels and guides, siblings and neighbors may all be powerful advocates in our personal lives and that of the planet at this time. The light of this Full Moon illuminates our core beliefs concerning previous ways of living and being. We are aspiring to new frontiers of mind and with the Full Moon occurring in the last degree of Leo, information will come forward that has been concealed or that has been percolating in the background for a long duration. The probability of ‘disclosure’ in a myriad of subjects is quite likely, much to the chagrin of those holding unlawful positions of power. Revelations may come suddenly and unexpectedly and we are encouraged to ‘think outside the box’.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon degree is 30 degrees Leo, “An Unsealed Letter has Vital and Confidential Information”. (Linda Hill’s “360 Degrees of Wisdom”). Something significant is written in “An Unsealed Letter”. It could be important messages such as thoughts, ideas or something that has been hidden or misplaced and is now revealed. 'Birthing’ messages into reality via open communication can lead to greater understanding about people and situations.

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