November 16, 2010

Mother Kills Autistic Son By Forcing Him To Drink Bleach! OMG This Is Horrible! People Are Going MAD I Tell Ya!

The Telegraph UK
written by Staff
Monday November 15, 2010

A mother killed her 12-year-old son by forcing him to drink bleach because she feared social services would take him away.

Satpal Kaur-Singh, 44, killed 12-year-old Ajit hours after she attended a social services meeting when she was warned he would be taken into care because of concerns about her parenting skills.

At the Old Bailey she pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and could face a life sentence.

The court heard that although social workers had questioned her mental state at the time, she had been calm throughout the meeting and they raised no "concerns about her immediate behaviour".

But within nine hours she had forced Ajit to drink Domestos from a cup but after drinking the disinfectant herself changed her mind and called the emergency services saying "I've just murdered my son and I've tried to kill myself."

Police and paramedics rushed to her east London home and found Ajit lying on his back on the sofa with his eyes closed and his right arm hanging down by his side, surrounded by vomit just after 10.30 at night.

His Manchester-born mum was on the floor holding a phone to her ear and a cup of bleach close to hand.

Kaur-Singh said she had given Ajit the bleach two hours earlier and then she drank a cup and a half of Domestos an hour later on February 9 of this year telling an officer "I couldn't cope any more.".

Both were rushed to hospital and where she told doctors: "Today I just couldn't take any more. I looked after him for 12 years. This shouldn't have happened to him. They shouldn't have been taking away my child."

Police searching the home in Lambourne Road, Barking, also found a suicide note Kaur-Singh had written to her sister who described her as "being a loving mother and someone who would do anything for her child."

It read: "Please burn us together. If you people did not let us stay alive peacefully, then maybe we can be together when we are dead."

Doctors battled to save Ajit's life but little could be done and he died an hour later. He had caustic burns around his mouth, chin, neck and chest and his lungs had been damaged causing "severe respiratory impairment."

Please click HERE to read the entire article...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!