November 9, 2010

Man Lived With Killed Girlfriend For Three Weeks! EWE! How Morbid!!! The World Is Going MAD I Tell You! :/

Earth Times
written by Staff
Tuesday November 9, 2010 at 02:27:14 GMT

Wellington - A New Zealander accused of murdering his Thai girlfriend and living with her decomposing body in her apartment for more than three weeks told a police officer, "We had an argument and I killed her," a court was told Tuesday.

Constable Kym Lam Sam told the Auckland High Court he found the decomposing body of Nuttidar Viakaew, 48, when he went to the apartment in May 2009 after the landlord reported a foul smell.

He said Gordon Hieatt, 49, was at the flat and admitted killing her after an argument. "He was very calm about it, very emotionless," the officer testified.

Hieatt, a computer programmer, has pleaded not guilty to murdering the woman, who worked as a prostitute, and news reports said the defence was arguing that he was provoked and should face a lesser charge of manslaughter.

His trial was expected to last for three weeks.

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