October 28, 2010

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Seizes Local Unit Of US Glass Company That Has Operated There For 52 years!

Yep!!! This is what happens under a Socialist TYRANTS rule. In simple terms Socialism is defined as "A political theory advocating state ownership of industry and an economic system based on state ownership of capital." Is this what you really want? Where the government controls everything and everyone? Where the government can tell you how much you can earn and how much you can eat and how your supposed to live? By moving in this direction, you are willfully giving up your individual right to "think" and "do" for yourself and thus become a slave, yes a slave to the government. How can that be you ask? Well because you will then be at the government's mercy and their agents. Just take a good hard look at Huge Chavez and his humongous EGO! He doesn't give a damn about the Venezuelan people ONLY his need for more POWER and CONTROL. History has shown us that monsters like this are dangerous.

Do yourself a favor and research Karl Marx twisted ideology that caused 120+ million to be murdered, Mao tse-tung (China) who murdered 60-80 million, Joseph Stalin (USSR) who murdered 40+ million, Adolf Hitler (Germany) who murdered 17+ million, Japanese Empire Democide against ethnically cleansed Chinese murdered 23+ million, Vladimir Lenin (USSR) murdered 5 million, Ottoman Empire (Turkey) murdered 1+ million Armenians, Omar al-Bashir (Sudan) murdered 1+ million African native Darfurians. You should also research Benito Mussolini and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Please click HERE to read a source list and detailed death tolls for the Twentieth Century Hemoclysm. The person who created this list did an amazing job putting this info together for us. The website "defined the Hemoclysm as that string of interconnected barbarities which have made the Twentieth Century so fascinating for historians and so miserable for real people."

Please click HERE to read another awesome detailed list I found. "War and Genocide and Disaster Victims: Arthur Hu's Index of Diversity. With apologies to those who find the topic grisly, I've always wondered how all the great mass killings and wars rank compared against each other. This is one of the most complete collection of mass death statistics on the internet. Dedicated to the hope that people will one day stop using the name of economic justice to kill their fellow man and woman, and finally realize that Karl Marx, not free market capitalism, is the most evil system of thought, and biggest source of death and poverty in human history. Feel free to send comments or new information.

And the award for the most mass killings credited to one man goes to ... (ta dah...) Karl Marx! Congratulations! It exceeds all war deaths in the 20th century, and even the wildest inflation of deaths due to slavery. More than Hitler. More than the Japanese Empire. Way more than Uncle Sam. Remember the motto.. No Justice No Peace. Just kill your fellow man until human equality has been achieved. Let this be a warning to those who want to raise hell for justice."


written by Staff
Monday October 25, 2010

CARACAS — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced the expropriation of the local affiliate of the US-based glassmaker Owens Illinois, accusing it of causing environmental damage and exploiting its workers.

The company "has had years exploiting the workers, destroying the environment" in the western state of Trujillo, "and taking away the money of Venezuelans," Chavez said during a government event broadcast on radio and television.

Chavez added that his government has "a list with more names" of companies that will be expropriated, but gave no further details.

Owens Illinois Inc. is a leader world glass bottle maker with some 22,000 workers in 21 countries.

The US company has operated in Venezuela for 52 years, and has two plants that make bottles and containers for beer, drinks, food and liquor.

In South America, aside from Venezuela it also has operations in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and focuses on manufacturing glass containers, according to the company website.

Since 2007, the Chavez administration has expropriated more than 347 companies in areas including electricity, banking, cement, steel, oil and food.

And since 1999, when Chavez took office, the government has taken over some three million hectares (7.4 million acres) of land, in line with his so-called Bolivarian Revolution in which the firebrand leftist has aggressively sought to consolidate private assets under state control.

Later in the speech Chavez threatened to nationalize privately-owned banks, but gave no names.

Private banks "that do not want to collaborate in the national development should be taken over by the state with no kind of delay," Chavez said. "There is no turning back."

Chavez said that banks needed to ease credit to build homes, of which there is a shortage in Venezuela.

Since November 2009 the Venezuelan government either nationalized or dissolved about a dozen small and mid-sized banks.

Chavez, just back from an international tour that took him to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Libya and Portugal, also said that he had signed no new arms deals during his 11-day tour.

"It is the first trip to Russia in which we talked about everything except armaments," he said.

Between 2005 and 2007 Venezuela signed agreements with Moscow worth more than four billion dollars to buy Sukhoi jets, combat helicopters and automatic rifles.

Bolstered by a previous 2.2 billion dollar Russian loan, Venezuela is buying T-72 tanks and an undetermined number of S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense systems.

1 comment:

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- Henry