July 30, 2010

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Declares California FISCAL EMERGENCY! What Was That Again Mr. President About The Money You Gave To The States To Save Jobs!?

Get ready folks the sh*t is about to hit the fan! You know they won't cut their pay at the higher levels therefore these a**holes are going to be cutting PUBLIC SERVICES like a Benihana Chef dices up your meal in front of you! It's NOT going to be pretty that's for sure! This is precisely why we need politicians with BUSINESS SENSE and a SOLID BUSINESS BACKGROUND to manage our taxpayer revenue wisely!

And to all of the American celebrities out there reading this, would you hire any of the politicians in office today to MANAGE YOUR MONEY, YOUR PRIVATE WEALTH you have accumulated? I didn't think so. Well how about America's WEALTH that has been SQUANDERED AWAY by DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS!!! That's how we have to start screening everybody running for political office! A nice smile and a great personality should NEVER have cut it for any of you. No more attorney's! No more celebrities! No more comedians! No more community organizers! Oh and can we ALL come together and PUSH for TERM LIMITS at ALL LEVELS!!! No more comfy career politicians getting a FREE RIDE at the tax payers expense! NO MORE! ENOUGH!


Reuters News
written by Jim Christie
Wednesday July 28, 2010 5:55pm EDT

(Reuters) - California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency over the state's finances on Wednesday, raising pressure on lawmakers to negotiate a state budget that is more than a month overdue and will need to close a $19 billion shortfall.

The deficit is 22 percent of the $85 billion general fund budget the governor signed last July for the fiscal year that ended in June, highlighting how the steep drop in California's revenue due to recession, the housing slump, financial market turmoil and high unemployment have slashed its all-important personal income tax collection.

In the declaration, Schwarzenegger ordered three days off without pay per month beginning in August for tens of thousands of state employees to preserve the state's cash to pay its debt, and for essential services.

California's budget is five weeks overdue, joining New York among big states with spending plans yet to be approved, and Schwarzenegger and top lawmakers are at an impasse over how to balance the state's books.

Analysts say it could be several more weeks before the Republican governor and leaders of the Democrat-led legislature reach an agreement, a delay that threatens to lower the state's already weak credit rating, now hovering just a few notches above "junk" status.

"Without a budget in place that addresses our $19 billion budget deficit, every day of delay brings California closer to a fiscal meltdown," Schwarzenegger said in a statement.

"Our cash situation leaves me no choice but to once again furlough state workers until the legislature produces a budget I can sign," he wrote.

Schwarzenegger's declaration noted the state's government is projected to run out of cash no later than October should its budget stalemate persist, as expected.

California has a long history of nasty and lengthy budget battles.

Last year, the fight over a spending plan dragged on so long the state controller had to issue IOUs instead of payments to vendors to conserve money for priority payments, including payments for education programs and for investors holding the state's bonds.


Schwarzenegger's declaration noted State Controller John Chiang has said he could be forced to issue IOUs as early as next month because of the budget impasse.

Schwarzenegger has proposed slashing spending to balance the state's books, an approach rejected by Democratic lawmakers. Their leaders in the state Senate and Assembly are trying to draft a joint plan likely to include proposals for tax increases to rival the governor's budget plan.

By ordering furloughs, which he also did last year, Schwarzenegger is bringing pressure on state employee unions allied with Democratic lawmakers on the heels of losing a courtroom battle to cut state employees' pay to the federal minimum wage to bolster the state's finances.

Schwarzenegger's new furlough order was instantly condemned by labor officials as a political ploy.

"To once again force state employees to take unpaid furloughs is just another punitive measure by Governor Schwarzenegger because he couldn't impose minimum wage," said Patty Velez, president of the California Association of Professional Scientists.

Please click HERE to read the ENTIRE ARTICLE...

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