June 25, 2010

It Was President Obama Who Sent The US Airforce To SPRAY THE CHEMICAL DISPERSEMENTS On Oil Slicks!!! President Obama Claims To Be SAVING NATURE!!! Oil Spill Bill On BP!

o-m-g!!!! I'm just now finding out that it was President Obama who instructed the U.S. AIR FORCE to spray the TOXIC CHEMICAL DISPERSEMENTS on the oil slicks!!!! *#*^%(#$%^!@^&*@(#%&*!!! Then he has the NERVE to say the TOXIC CHEMICAL SPRAY will SAVE NATURE?!?! WTF!!!

This is INSANE! and all the while I've been pissed off at the EPA for allowing BP to use TOXIC dispersements and it's been President Obama who gave the orders all along!!! If he was willing to take charge of this TOXIC CHEMICAL spraying and then bill BP later... WHY oh WHY didn't President Obama ACCEPT the help from the dozen or so INTERNATIONAL COUNTRIES WITH EXPERIENCE in cleaning up an oil mess like this and then BILL BP LATER like this?!?!?! That would have been the LOGICAL, most EFFICIENT and HUMANE thing to do!!!

If you don't believe me, I found the federal government website titled, The White House Blog: The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill. If you want to read the day to day details of what our federal government has been doing since the Deep Horizon rig exploded please click HERE. It sounds like they're doing alot when reading. YEAH A WHOLE LOT OF INEFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT and WASTE and DESTRUCTION!

Here is a little snipit from the government website:

Tuesday, April April 27: Controlled Burn Plans Are Approved by WH. Plans for a controlled burn of contained oil were approved late at night for the following day. Burns of this type are heavily dependent on weather conditions.

Wednesday May 5: Successful Controlled Burn. Favorable weather conditions allowed responders to conduct a successful controlled burn operation. As part of a coordinated response that combines tactics deployed above water, below water, offshore, and close to coastal areas, controlled burns efficiently remove oil from the open water in AN EFFORT to PROTECT shoreline and wildlife.

Wednesday May 5: Aerial Dispersant Spray Missions. Modular Aerial Spray System (MASS) aircraft flew four missions—dispensing the same dispersant chemical being used by BP and THE FEDERAL RESPONDERS (US AIRFORCE). These systems are capable of covering up to 250 acres per flight.

OMG! I BLAME OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE environmental ecological DESTRUCTION ON OUR GULF COAST!!! I'm only half way down the page and their RESPONSIBLE for EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Everything in Our OCEAN is dying because of what they are doing!!! Not to mention everything that lives off the ocean is dying because of their STUPIDITY!!!

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