December 30, 2009

The MOST Irritating Person of 2009 Is..... ????? ~~ The Narcissist Himself

"President Barack Obama has declared that America has "failed to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world" and has "shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" towards its allies." [source: Telegraph UK 04/03/09] Wow! That sounds a whole lot like the way you have been acting towards the AMERICAN PEOPLE!

You see sir it has never been about you, even though you have made it about you. It has always been about the 307 MILLION Americans you SWORE to PROTECT and SERVE. You are the Commander-In-Chief, President, Head of State, Leader of the FREE WORLD and NOT the Queen of Shiba (yes pun was intended). You are NOT a ruler, you are a PUBLIC SERVANT employed by 307 MILLION Americans. It would behoove you to start taking responsibility because you are now in control and NOT the former administration. Therefore, you need to STOP blaming them. Since January 20th, it has been YOUR DECISIONS (ie; action/inaction) that have set the precedence. You are being HELD RESPONSIBLE acting as Head of State!

You and your administration care more about IMPOSING your will on the 307 MILLION American citizens INSTEAD of responding to the will of the people. You and your adminstration care more about NOT OFFENDING the ENEMIES of the State (ie; al-qaeda and the taliban) who have OPENLY DECLARED WAR UPON OUR NATION INSTEAD of defending our homeland and the 307 MILLION American citizens you swore to PROTECT. In fact, you are about to IMPOSE MORE RESTRICTIONS on the American people. INSTEAD of zeroing in on the ENEMY and making their lives a living hell, you are aiding them to make our lives a living hell. You are intent on granting the enemy civil rights. How can they have rights? They are NOT AMERICANS, they are ENEMIES OF THE STATE! You can't even get yourself to publicly call a spade a spade. Why? Al-qaeda is a MUSLIM MILITIA GROUP. If you would allow yourself to look beyond your humongous EGO, you would clearly see that the ONLY people, the ONLY HUMAN PARASITES on this planet who want AMERICANS DEAD and sole purpose in life is to bring down America are RADICAL MUSLIM (ISLAMIC) EXTREMIST aka JIHADIST. They have even publicly taken credit for ALL of the suicide killings, including Major Hasan and the one this past Christmas. My gosh how much more evidence do you NEED?

Now I want to be clear, I am NOT referring to the law abiding hard working freedom loving kindhearted Muslims. There is a distinction! One respects LIFE and the other does not! You need to make that clear. The Muslim community should not be offended because you are singling out those blood sucking human parasites who are making them look bad and disgracing the Muslim religion. I also want to make another point clear, the Radical Muslim Extremist are recruiting vulnerable weak minded young men from every race!

Mr. President, you have a passive/agressive personality. You have publicly CONDEMNED our CIA, NAVY SEALS and Guantanamo Bay for mis-treating our enemies. Then you turn around and nail them for NOT doing their jobs. Well what's it going to be sir? Who's side are you on? Our DEFENSE or the enemy who gets great joy KILLING INNOCENT CIVILIANS? My neighborhood watch is more vigilant and pro-active than your defense management skills. You are NOT even PRO-ACTIVE, you are re-active and pitifully at that. Yes, my neighborhood watch profile's individuals. It's called criminal profiling of suspicious characters trapesing through our neighborhood that we sense are up to no good. A mugger, a thief and a tagger comes in every color and believe me when I tell you we've caught every race in a criminal act. We know their MODUS OPERANDI. In fact, we make our presence KNOWN. We don't give a damn about OFFENDING suspicious characters when we confront them in the wee hours of the morning! If a criminal element happens to get past our neighborhood watch and one of our neighbors gets victimized, we step up our neighborhood watch even more! What we have discovered is that the criminal element is watching (OBSERVING) us. Therefore, the BEST and most effective way we have learned to defend our community is to start thinking like the criminal element. Plus, we have a good relationship with the local police department. That way we are one step ahead of them. The bottom line, we know that it is either going to be them or us. My neighbors and I absolutely REFUSE to be VICTIMIZED by these human parasites that are out to DESTROY our community!!! Our neighborhood remains nice, clean and safe because WE have come together as a community to KEEP IT THAT WAY!

Mr. President I believe it is time for you to wise up and quickly for ALL OF OUR SAKE. These RADICAL MUSLIM EXTREMIST do not care who you are, they will not take pity on you because you've kindly asked them. They know your weakness. What's worse, they know our homeland security weakness. It's all a game to them. Their whole existence hinges on OUTSMARTING America! and they recruit young lonely muslim boys as pawns in their game of VIOLENCE and DEATH. Why? Because these blood sucking parasites need a host and they attach themselves to the MOST VULNERABLE. Al-Qaeda used this young man as BAIT to test you and get a feel of your reaction. You can't ignore a flea and think for one second that one flea is harmless. Why? Because all the one flea needs is a host to survive in order to multiply EXPONENTIALLY infesting its environment and ultimately killing the HOST!

Also, don't forget Al-Qaeda has UNLIMITED RESOURCES. Ask yourselves who is FUNDING THEM and who is supplying them with weapons? Hmm... could it possibly be Hamas and Hezbollah? They are Shiite Islamist Militants in Palestine and Lebanon. They are NOT REFORMERS, they are DESTROYERS and they will gladly MURDER anyone who opposes their DEMENTED belief system! And who do you think has been funding Hamas and Hezbollah? Answer: IRAN.

It is time to wake up and get serious Mr. President. Because they are stepping up their game and calling a check mate very soon. It's either them or us.

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