September 23, 2009


Yes, this makes me soooooo angry! I honestly cannot believe the Democrats defeated a measure proposed by the Republicans that would give everybody at least 72 hours to read the Health Care Reform bill. What's worse nobody in Congress will get time to read the damn bill. Doesn't Congress OWE IT TO US to at least READ THE BILLS that they VOTE YES for??? Isn't that what we HIRED THEM FOR to represent us. We don't have the power to turn bills into LAWS, but Congress does when they VOTE YES!!! We've waited 15 years for this reform what's another 3 fricken days! What are the Democrats afraid of? What don't the Democrats want ALL OF US to have time to read? What is the RUSH for heaven's sake?! This Health Care Reform Bill affects us all.

Look I am NOT a Republican. However, I do vehemently agree that everyone involved should be allowed time to read ALL STIPULATIONS included (I mean thrown in at the last minute) in the Health Care Reform Bill. Do you know that this GARGANTUAN HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL will have the LARGEST IMPACT on our economy thus far? Don't you think it is ONLY REASONABLE FOR US to ask for TIME to READ and DISSECT every nook and cranny of this bill? Well apparently and obviously the Democrats in Congress don't want the PUBLIC to know what they have included or will include as amendments in the Health Care Reform Bill....

What's also amazing to me is the Democratic form of reasoning. Can you believe their BALKING at the DELAY this measure would have caused?! They said, "It would delay the passing of this bill by 2 to 3 weeks." Wow! What is the RUSH?! Would any of you RUSH to buy a home any home and RUSH to sign the loan documents without reading them first or fully understand the terms of the loan? Here is a reminder who you in Congress work for:

"That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." ~ by Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address


Finance Committee Defeats GOP Measure
written by Mark Murray
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:12 PM

From NBC's Ken Strickland and Mark Murray

During the mark-up of the Senate Finance Committee's health-care bill this morning, Senate Democrats were successful in defeating a GOP-sponsored amendment that would have delayed the bill's passage.

The vote on the measure was 11-12. All the Democrats except Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas voted against the amendment. Republican Olympia Snowe of Maine voted for it.

There are about 500 amendments for the committee to get through. On this one amendment, they debated about two hours.

The amendment, sponsored by GOP Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky, would have required that the legislative language and the final cost analysis from the Congressional Budget Office be posted on the committee's Web site for 72 hours before the committee votes on the final bill.

While the amendment, on its face, may seem reasonable by providing transparency for Congress and the public to read the bill, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus said it would take at least two weeks for the staff to write the bill that way.

The practice at the Senate Finance Committee during the past 30 years -- under both the leadership of Democrats and Republicans -- is that the committee votes on bill using "conceptual language," or what some call "plain English." No other committee works under this practice.

While conceptual language may have been the standard in the past, Republicans say this bill is too big, too important, and impacts too many people to handle it as business as usual.

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