August 15, 2009

Food for Thought: Why Does Our Government Want To COMPETE With Businesses? Shouldn't We Be Talking About MEDICAID REFORM?

Think about it for a moment... Why does our governement want to play AGENT for us?

President Obama, Pelosi et al have DEMONIZED FREE ENTERPRISE repeatedly ever since he took office. We NOW own GM, CHRYLSER, AIG, FANNIE, FREDDIE, etc and they are pushing healthcare to COMPETE with the Insurance co.? Hhhmmmm.... doesn't that make them part of the very thing they DETEST? CAPITALISM? Why didn't our government include TORT REFORM in this bill? Isn't that part of the reason why our premiums are being driven up? You notice President Obama NEVER brings TORT REFORM up? Not once have I heard him bring this subject up for discussion! Doctor's do too many expensive and unnecessary tests because they fear being SUED.

I agree that we most definitely need healthcare reform. However, if he was serious about working for us, he would OPEN UP THE HEALTHCARE MARKET. Right now the Insurance cos. are limited ONLY to the region set by our very government. Therefore, because there are only a few in each region they are able to SET THE PREMIUM PRICE because they've MONOPOLIZED their region.

However, if this restriction gets REMOVED someone like me on the west coast can buy an insurance policy from an Insurance co on the east coast that charges a better rate and visa versa. COMPETITION DRIVES PRICES DOWN! Because companies are FORCED to competite for our business!!!

I agree that the healthcare system needs changing and some serious regulation. However, we do not need our government to COMPETE with the free market. Obama despises capitalism yet ever since he took office, our government now owns 60% of GM, Chrysler, UAW, AIG, Fannie, Freddie and Citibank and now he wants to control our Healthcare and be the MIDDLE MAN?!?! Acting as agent is capitalism. He wants a piece of this pie that he detests or wants us to believe that he detests. President Obama has NEVER RUN A BUSINESS! He is ALWAYS berating corporate profits, YET it's OKAY for him to PROFIT from his biographical book sales right?

What we need to do is open up the insurance market. Right now the insurance cos. are limited to their designated regions. Therefore, a few insurance cos monopolize each region and are able to set the price. If this restriction is REMOVED there will be serious competition that would DRIVE THE PRICE/COST of insurance premiums DOWN SIGNIFICANTLY! This is basic economics. What he has NOT mentioned at all and I feel is what needs to be addressed is the lack of Medicaid providers. NOT ONCE have I heard Obama mention building non-profit medical centers that provide FREE medical services in every urban and rural community across America! That is why we have so many medicaid patients showing up in EMERGENCY ROOMS across America! They don't have local facilities medical facilities that accept Medicaid!

The non-profit medical centers have been closing down over the years due to LACK OF GOVERNMENT FUNDING! The government has a bad bad habit of NOT reimbursing for special programs like Medicaid! Just take one good look at how our government has handled the "cash for clunkers" program. Most of the auto dealers have not been reimbursed or have had their request for reimbursement REJECTED!

There are very few non-profit medical centers left in America! The medicaid patients need ACCESS to medical services and they don't have it at all! They have to travel MILES and wait for months just to see a doctor! Non-profits DON'T COMPETE they simply provide medical services! If our government sincerely gave a damn about helping those who genuinely needed help they would be directing their attention in this direction!

Right now our government WASTES $80 BILLION dollars per year in MEDICAID FRAUD! Who the heck in government is trying to STOP THIS TERRIBLE LEAK?!? NOBODY! Shit with the $80 BILLION alone you can open up and fully fund for at least 10 years a non-profit FREE medical center in EVERY URBAN and RURAL community across America!

If and I mean if Obama's healthcare plan gets passed it WILL NOT improve the quality of healthcare the poor, sick and needy and low-income citizens need desperately addressed!

One last point, there are 3-4 million Americans who don't qualify for any medical assistance (Medicare, Medicade, COBRA, State, etc). Plans already exist; adjust them so everyone has a chance!

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