July 28, 2009

Where's the SEALED Birth Certificate?

I have been having a heated discussion on this issue with many Obama zombies on SodaHead. I would like to share my recent debate with such a fierce defender. If you want to get in on this discussion please click HERE to be directed to this SodaHead page.


Princess Mononoke said:

I am NOT a Republican nor am I a Democrat. I am an American Independent. Oh an btw, I am NOT white.

I am however a CONCERN U.S. Taxpaying Citizen and have EVERY RIGHT to question the legitimacy of the POTUS! We, the people of the United States of America are DEMANDING that Barack Obama UNSEAL his Hawaiian BIRTH RECORD and SCHOOL RECORDS.

He is the first President in the history of this country to be EXTREMELY SECRETIVE and has PAID MILLIONS of dollars to dozens of attorneys to keep his personal information SEALED!

By all means, the Obama machine and his zombies can continue to discredit us and make fun references about us. YOU will not win! The TRUTH will be revealed whether you like it or not!


StarWarsBob said:

I keep hearing that Obama has spent millions of dollars to keep his personal information sealed, but I have yet to see one credible news story on this subject, and how would anybody know how much Obama or anybody else spent on anything? Did they hack into his bank records? The "birthers" believe anything and everything they hear that supports their conspiracy theory, but this story is really belittling the credibility of the Republican party. The far extreme right fringe of the party is doing much more harm to the Republican party than they can possibly realize.

BTW, I voted for John McCain.


Princess Mononoke said:

Duh? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that attorneys fees are astronomical... There have been dozens of lawsuits filed against Obama requesting proof. His defense is not free you know. A few cases have even reached the Supreme Court.


StarWarsBob said:

Yes, a single case did reach the Supreme Court, and on December 8, 2008 the Supreme Court REFUSED to review the case and threw it out. If there were any truth to this birther issue at all, the Supreme Court would be all over it, BECAUSE THAT'S THEIR JOB, ENFORCING AND UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION.


Princess Mononoke said:

Au contraire, mon frรจre!


StarWarsBob said:

Keep beating your "dead horse", because your "birther issue" is dead on arrival.



Princess Mononoke said:

I would be making the same REQUEST had this been ANY OTHER PERSON trying to pull the wool over our heads. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Russian, Indian, Armenian, etc. etc. The "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN" CLAUSE applies to ALL who apply! NO EXCEPTIONS!


I have every RIGHT as a TAXPAYING CITIZEN of the United States of America to demand my employee namely Barack Obama show us PROOF that he qualifies as a "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN" as REQUIRED by the U.S. Constitution!!!!

The Office of the Presidency is NOT A GAME! So PLEASE quit treating it like one with the "We WON!" response.

I thought you said you voted for McCain? You lying sack of sh*t.

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