April 14, 2009

We Can END Slavery! It Still EXIST All Around The World, Even Here In the United States! This Is An Excellent Documented Article!

American Chronicle
We can end slavery
written by Joan Dawson
Tuesday, April 13, 2009

Twenty-seven million people are enslaved in the world today. Many of these slaves are women and children. Many experience conditions not unlike those of the past. And, many are right here in the United States.

600,000 to 800,000 people are transported across borders every year, not on slave ships but rather on modern transportation, like airplanes or vehicles. Many victims are seeking work and a chance to better their lives in a foreign land because their own country holds no such promise. Victims typically travel abroad in response to ads promising legitimate work as domestic workers, nannies, brides or farm labor.

Once they arrive on foreign shores, their legal papers and passports are taken. They are beaten, locked up and often raped. In this confused and battered state, they start working in involuntary servitude or debt bondage.

The most vulnerable victims of trafficking are women and children. Seventy percent of slaves are females. Whereas women and girls are often exploited sexually, men and boys are often exploited physically for their labor. Generally speaking, then, females are often found at brothels, massage parlours or sex shops and males may be found at factories or on farms.

Conditions at these places resemble those that were encountered on plantations in the South. Enslaved individuals experience physical and sexual punishment for "wrong-doings" or trying to run away. They are isolated from their family and friends. They are seen as property and treated like servants or worse. The isolation, violence, and humilation shatter their self-esteem and terrorize them into obedience to their "masters."

Now, some critics say not all prostitutes are enslaved and treated badly; some work voluntarily. While that may be true, some girls are forced into prostitution at a young age, 12 to 14 years old. Pimps recruit from schoolyards. They kidnap or lure young girls into the trade. After years of being forced to prostitute, some "choose" to stay in it. Certainly, economic coercion forces many females to "choose" this livelihood, too. But choice, to me, is based on whether provided with another equally lucrative option women would chose prostitution or whether they would see this as a viable option for their daughters. That is true choice.

How would you recognize an enslaved person? Usually, there is a lot of security (bars on windows, locks, etc.) around them. Victims live on site and when they do leave, they require escorts. They are watched closely and rarely left alone. They may have telltale signs of abuse: malnourishment, poor hygiene, bruises, or nervousness.

In the US, you´ll find slaves right under your nose: on farms, in hotels, on Craigslist. In fact, if you live in a large city, you have probably passed them by in your car. There is an estimated 50,000 slaves here; some foreign born, others native born.

How can you help if you think somebody is being enslaved? Call the human trafficking helpline at 888-373-7888. But, even if you never come across a trafficked person, you can still help end slavery by becoming an adovate and an abolotionist.

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