March 12, 2009

The World NEEDS More Muslim Organizations To SPEAK OUT Against The Radical Extremist! YOU Are The LIGHT That MUST Pierce The Darkness!

February 10, 2009

WARSAW, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Muslim organizations in Poland condemned the "barbaric" murder of a Polish citizen in Pakistan, they said in a statement sent to Polish news agency PAP on Monday.

"We received the news with grief and regret. On behalf of Muslim community represented by our organizations we condemn this barbaric murder," the Muslim League in Poland, Muslim Association of Culture and Association of Muslim Students said in the statement.

"We are against such practices and we believe that while killing an innocent man one kills the entire mankind. Such practices are against our religion and our principles," the statement added. [I send you a million hugs and kisses! Thank you for being a voice of reason.]


Scotsman News
March 12, 2009

SCOTTISH Muslim groups have condemned protesters who disrupted soldiers' homecoming parades as "extremists" who have no place in Scotland. [Now that's STANDING for principle!]

Members of Islam for the UK caused uproar by brandishing placards in Luton on Tuesday and Watford yesterday bearing slogans branding troops who fought in Iraq as "butchers", "cowards" and "killers".

Bashir Maan, the convener of the Muslim Council of Scotland, told The Scotsman yesterday that Islam for the UK does not speak for Muslims in Scotland.

He said: "We would not condone such protests and I do not think there will be any protests like this in Scotland. People like this have no standing in the community at large and, fortunately, I do not think we have anybody of that ilk in this country. [Wow! That was well said BRAVO! It's true every religion has their demented folk.]

"There are no members of this extremist group in Scotland, as far as I know.

"These soldiers were doing their duty," he said. "If people have any complaint or grievance about that, they should take it up with the government, who sent them to war in Iraq. Islam for the UK is misguided: it is protesting against the wrong people."


BBC News
November 10, 2008

A conference attended by thousands of Muslim clerics, scholars and community leaders in India has endorsed a religious ruling against terrorism.

The ruling or fatwa was issued earlier this year by an Islamic seminary.

It said that Islam rejected all kinds of bloodshed and the killing of innocents for selfish and politically motivated gains. [YEP! This is so very true.]

This is the first time the Islamic scholars have come together to give their backing to the measure. The fatwa was issued in May this year by the religious school, Darul Uloom Deoband.

Coming from one of the most respected Islamic theological schools in the region, the fatwa is significant, correspondents say.

Abdul Hameed Nomani, one of the organisers of the conference, which was attended by more than 6,000 Islamic scholars, said: "Some people are involved in terrorist activities in the name of Islam and some are defaming Islam by involvement in terrorist activities. " [It takes a lot of courage to stand up for what is RIGHT!]

"We condemn both. The country is facing a challenge. We must fight it together without calling it as a Hindu-Muslim problem."

Many Muslim leaders feel that the actions of a few misguided individuals were being linked to Islam, tarnishing the image of the community as a whole.

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