March 28, 2009

Haleigh Cummings Father With New Child Bride At The County Fair This Past Weekend And SPENT $1,000 Of Donation $ For FUN!

Geraldo Rivera I heard yesterday that you were going to be reporting on 5 year old Haleigh Cummings' disappearance this evening. She hasn't been getting anymore media coverage ever since her father Ronald Cummings married Misty Croslin, the last person to ever see Haleigh. Geraldo, I hope you are able to look into and report on Ronald Cummings' misusing the donated money for his benefit instead of using it to help search for Haleigh. He has shown no genuine signs of a parent grieving for his missing child. He knows Haleigh is dead. He has already made peace within himself knowing she is with God. After Haleigh's disappearance Ronald even put a DECAL on the back of his truck that reads, "Only God Can Judge Me."

Also, Ronald Cummings has a HUGE rap sheet, arrested 14 times for drug possession of marijuana, meth, cocaine, heroin and GHB. The nerve of Ronald to tell you Geraldo that he NEVER did drugs and does not do drugs! Another thing he told you Geraldo was that he NEVER EVER hit Haleigh only on the behind like DCFS requires. However, when those bruised photos of Haleigh and her little brother Jr. were released, Ronald now admits to using a stick on the children. ENOUGH TO LEAVE BRUISES?!? One last note, Geraldo can you PLEASE look into Haleigh Cummings school attendence record, the report shows her missing 21 days. That's EXCESSIVE absenses!

This low life piece of scum, sorry pathetic excuse for a father needs to be EXPOSED on National Television for his obnoxious behavior! Ronald Cummings and his new child bride MIsty Croslin are GUILTY for Haleigh Cummings' disappearance. I have taken the liberty to borrow the following four comments from the Art Harris website. That is where I have been getting updates and blogging lately. Haleigh's body needs to be recovered. That is where you are going to find the evidence needed to NAIL these TWO SOB's!

posted March 25th, 2009 at 10:38 am

This is reference to #56. Just a little insight and you can check out these facts. He went to the kangaroo express and emptied the donations on the counter and PAID for cigs, beer, and $50.00 in lottery tickets and the elderly man behind him got angry and stated he would not donate another penny!!!!!! Check with Chilis restaurant when he refused to pay for the food he ate; just because he is Ron Cummings! The Manager told him he did not care who he was!! I BELIEVE THE POLICE WAS CALLED ON THIS INCIDENT!! Go to the pawn shop where he purchased Mistys’ rings and here the story the lady there would tell you. Go to the Cheyenne Saloon where he was told he could no longer take the donations from there because he was mis-using the funds and now would be given to the Haliegh-Bug Foundation. These are actual facts not mistruths!

Terri #63 Says:
posted March 26th, 2009 at 9:18 pm

I just watched Nancy Grace tonight and once again she was all over Cyrstal’s atty. CNN sure isn’t fair and balanced Nancy Grace has it in for Cyrstal and for the life of me I don’t know why. Ronald is a known abuser and drug user (arrested 9 times) & would probably be in jail if mommy didn’t work for a judge. I don’t really think he gives a flying flip about either of those children, all along it’s been about control. He did get Cyrstal to come back 2 or 3 times, he gets child support, he gets young girls to look after them and he gets $2500 for each child from the goverment every year in tax rebates.

From what I’ve read here he’s running around town and acting like a fool, who can go spend $1000 at the fair? Where did that money come from. I hope people aren’t still sending for the Haleigh fund because that’s what he using, he even went into the local Citgo and emptied the jar for Haleigh and bought beer and cigerettes, right in front of everyone. What nerve. I just pray that Cyrstal gets Jr. and NG gets a CLUE.

Staci #20 Says:
posted March 22nd, 2009 at 11:26 pm

I found this on I found it disturbing!!! Ronald and Misty are the ones NOT putting focus on Haleigh….MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF JR. AT THE FAIR ON THE MIDWAY!!! Wonder what this will be like in the days to come, I am sure it will be PUT OUT THERE!!!! Read on below, I also added the link where I found it, if anyone is interested! GOD BLESS LITTLE HALEIGH & JR.

OMG! Well I totally agree with you both case_watcher! Get this one, the getting married thing just throwed me. But tonite what I saw put the icing on the cake with me. I was at the fair with my grandchild and family and I see Ron and Misty on the midway laughing and then they get on a ride with Junior (Haleighs Brother) and start making out. People stared taking pics and stared with disbeief. I know 1 thing I wouldn’t be at any fair when my little angel is missing. I said to my husband, he probably is going to say, ”I took Junior to the fair to keep his mind off Haleigh. Then about 9pm we were leaving and I saw them another time without Junior. Then with another couple just laughing as if they were having the time of their lives. I guess Ronald’s going to say ”UMMM This is what Haliegh would’ve wanted" (YEAH RIGHT)! Im so sick of his crap! I'm starting to think that they both are partners in this whole thing!

Staci #75 says:
posted March 25th, 2009 at 9:13 am

Ronald & Misty, didn’t show a speck of tear, Saturday evening, 03-21-09 at the fair….BUT mother Crystal was preparing for a cookout, to thank the community on Sunday!! Seems to me, Crystal, has Haleigh put first…unlike her father, marrying Misty, going out getting tattoos, going to the fair….hmmmm Kathy does that sound like Ronald is putting Haleigh first??? As for the Susan Smith case…Crystal is nothing like she was! As a native from SC, I saw first hand the fakeness of Susan Smith! Crystal is doing wonderful, & she has thousands of supporters….maybe she isn’t shedding tears, because she has moved on & not focusing on herself & loss, BUT focusing on finding Haleigh!!!!!!!! Maybe, she don’t choose to get on national T.V. & focusing on HER loss… BUT on FINDING Haleigh!!!

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