March 3, 2009

Barack Obama It IS Time To Come Clean! If YOU Are On The Up and Up, That Should Be NO PROBLEM! Right?

Now, I have to ask myself why my current President is spending MILLIONS of dollars in attorney's fees to suppress documents that would otherwise VINDICATE him and immediately STOP these lawsuits requesting to verify his eligibility?

President Obama is OUR federal employee. Right? Hasn't Barack Obama campaigned and accepted a role as a PUBLIC SERVANT? This means he works for us and WE do PAY for his salary, housing and benefits folks. It was his choice to take this position. Therefore, that would mean he MUST comply with the federal LAW that would allow him to do so.

When I apply for a job, I am asked to provide proof of my citizenship and asked to sign a release of my college transcripts and asked to sign a a form allowing my prospective employer to run a background check. If I have to go through all of this scrutiny to get a job, why doesn't Barack Obama? With that being said, WE, the citizens of the United States of America are Barack Obama's employer and have a RIGHT to request that he release such documentation that would prove his eligibility to be our President as required by OUR Constitution.

And to ALL of you Democrats, if this President was a Republican who was trying to obstruct JUSTICE, just as former President Bush try to do on many ocassions, YOU would be on Barack Obama like white on rice!!! So I have to ask ALL of you Democrats, WHY are you choosing to PROTECT and CLOAK this politician? Why are you holding Barack Obama to a DIFFERENT STANDARD?


Defend Our Freedoms
101 Total Plaintiffs, 9 of Them are Active, 3 in Iraq, Numerous in Active Recall
Written by Dr. Orly Taitz
March 3, 2009 at 12:40 am

The third plaintiff, currently serving in Iraq allowed me to provide his name: Alan Craig James, from Stedman NC, Active Duty Staff Sargeant. He did three tours of duty as Prime Power Production Specialist. His military ID card is on file in my office. Please send him e-mails, cards and presents. My assistants will forward everything to Scott Easterling and Alan James. Due to the fact that the group of plaintiffs is large, I have an opportunity to divide this group of plaintiffs into smaller groups and file in different jurisdictions, different causes of action, which gives me a higher probability to find a judge, that has some guts and some spine and some other parts to sign a judicial subpoena for all of Barack Obama's vital records. If he doesn't produce them, he will be in contempt of court and will have to be arrested for contempt of court. Nobody is above the law.

All of these 101 plaintiffs are demanding that Barack Obama show a drop of honesty and decensy and show a hint of respect to those brave men and women, that are risking their lifes, protecting this country and it's constitution . He is arrogantly talking about transparency in the government., while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on an army of lawyers keeping all of his vital recods consealed: his original birth certificate with a name of the hospital, a name of the doctor, 3 signatures and a seal, his passports from Kenya and Indonesia, his immigration records and his school enrollment records from Occidental College, Harvard and Columbia.

I really believe, that he doesn't have an actual proper birth certifiacte in the vault in the Health Department in HI, not a birth certificate like all of us have, but rather this short version certification of life birth that can be given to a foreign born child of a Hawaiian resident or one that is given to a child that doesn't have a proper birth certificate from a Hospital, one that was given based on a statement of a grandma or a grandpa. I believe, his half sister Maya, that was born in Indonesia, has the same garbage document, which means that they don't have an actual corroborating evidence and proof of citizenship. It is time for Obama to come clean or to resign or to be removed by the order of civil court or military tribunal. Not a minute too soon.

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