February 7, 2009


I have typed a transcript of only 3 minutes of this 8 minute message for all of my International readers who need to use Babel Fish to translate. I wish I could fit the entire message it is quite profound. Can you guess who the Purifier is?


Hopi Blue Star ~ Blue Kachina Prophecy

An ancient Hopi indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its special appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge." This will be the day of purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask.

In the Final days we look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. Poganghoya is our guardian of our North Pole and his brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South Pole. In the Final days the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clockwise.

This fact is evidence in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The rotation of the Earth has been manipulated by not so benevolent star beings. The twins will be seen in our North Western skies. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. They will bring many of their star family with them in the Final days.

The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life.

Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier The Red Kachina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.

The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Light. All things will change in their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing.

Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to understand the messages be found.

It is important to understand that these messages will be found upon every living thing, even within our bodies, even within a drop of our blood. All life forms will receive the messages from the twins... those that fly, the planets, even the rabbit. The appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years will be our final opportunity to change our ways. Everything we experience is all a matter of choice (free will).

Many will appear to have lost their souls in these final days. So intense will the nature of these changes be that those who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, for we are NOTHING without spirit. They will disappear, for they are just hollow vessels for any thing to use.

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