January 14, 2009

Human-Animal Clone Research Halted Amid Funding Drought!! Thank Goodness...

Yes, you read that title correctly! This is truly unbelievable non-sense. What is this world coming to? Everything lately is tipping in the direction of the RIDICULOUS!!! What precisely is there to gain from this type of research? Seriously, how is a half human, half animal abomination going to HELP humanity in ANY way? This is MADNESS SHEER INSANITY if you ask me! This reminds me of Hitler allowing german scientist and corporations to use human beings, namely the jewish people as guinea pigs to promulgate the advancement of science and profit! For whatever reason I am not able to link this post to the article. Nevertheless, if you'd like to learn more, please copy and past the following link: http://www.momentmag.com/Exclusive/2008/2008-11/200811-Hell

I am a great believer in science. However, I do not understand why these scientists don't pour ALL of their energy in trying to find CURES/ANDECDOTES for let's say aids or cancer where people being diagnosed with these HORRIBLE diseases are growing EXPONENTIALLY! Why? The world governments are literally blowing TRILLIONS of dollars by OPENLY supporting corruption, greed and fraud. When this once unthinkable amount of money could be put to better use! But I honestly don't think they give a damn while they continue enjoying their lavish lifestyles without any consideration toward the future of humanity ONLY THEMSELVES!


The Telegragh UK
By Murray Wardrop
January 13, 2009 at 7:57AM GMT

Britain's research into the creation of human-animal clones has ground to a halt due to a lack of funding.

Less than a year after the controversial technique was legalised, funding bodies are refusing to finance the research of hybrid clones.

It is feared that existing projects may end completely within weeks, threatening Britain's leading position in the world in creating stem cells from animal-human embryos.

The practice, which involves fusing human cells with animal eggs, could one day allow experts to create embryonic stem cells from a patient's skin. This would allow scientists to develop individual treatments for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and Parkinson's. [Bullsh*t]

Two out of three licence holders legally permitted to create hybrid embryos – Professor Stephen Minger of King's College London and Lyle Armstrong of Newcastle University's Centre for Life – have been denied research funds, it was disclosed last night.

When the practice was debated in parliament last year, some of Britain's leading scientists and funding bodies warned it would be disastrous if the research was banned.

Those licensed to undertake the research have not been told why their funding has been stopped other than competition from other projects.

Prof Minger said his work has not started a year after his licence was issued by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.

He told the Independent: "People reviewing grants may be looking at this from a completely different moral perspective and how much that has influenced people's perception about whether this should be funded, we don't know.

Dr Armstrong has so far created 278 hybrid embryos from human cells and cow eggs but has been denied funding that could help him retrieve embryonic stem cells.

He said: "It seems a lot of effort for nothing. We are investigating other avenues to keep this work going but it is depressing that Britain seems happy to create a nice regulatory environment for this work but then not to provide money for it."

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, which allowed the creation of animal-human embryos for stem cell research, was passed in parliament last May and was backed by both Gordon Brown and David Cameron.

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