January 19, 2009

California: No TAX REFUND For YOU! NEXT....

I would love to take credit for that brilliant caption but I can't. I borrowed it from Calculated Risk: Finance and Economics. I have posted this 3 minute video compilation of Seinfeld's The Soup Nazi best clips for those of you who have never watched Seinfeld. CLASSIC humor! Also, a great analogy to the current state of affairs.

Why is it that the taxpayers must pay the ultimate price for our government's inability to budget? Why are we held responsible for our government's wasteful spending habits that continues to erode the economy? Will the taxpayers be paid back with interest and late penalties included. Isn't this what 'they' would charge us if we couldn't pay them?

President Obama continues to mesmerize the citizens of the United States of America with his glorious speeches that it is going to take the will of the people to get us out of this mess. However, it is the governing body who has a hold of the gun with 'their' hand on the trigger aimed at us. What more can the common citizens do? I mean, the 'people' are the ones working and paying federal income, state income, sales, gas taxes, etc. The common citizens are being taxed up the wazoo! It is the governing body that has the spending POWER of these egregious tax burdens and NOT the people! It is the governing body who has the POWER to pass legislation and NOT the people!

Once all of you wake up from your love hangover, the hard cold REALITY of our economic crisis is going to be a horrible situation to face. The UPPER echelon of society, which includes our government and corporations are getting a FREE RIDE on the backs of the working class! Expect more OBSCENE pork barrel spending at our expense...

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