December 3, 2008

Native American Prophecies pt.2 of 4

I was led to these messages this evening. I want to share them with you because they have touched my spirit quite profoundly. This is a four part documentary titled, "Native American Prophecies" each approximately 7 minutes in length. I have typed a transcript for my international readers who need to use Babel Fish to translate.


Seventh generation is about vision. It's about leadership looking ahead. It's about responsiblity. Seventh generation reminds you that you have responsibility to the generations that are coming and that you are indeed in charge of life as it is at the moment. Every generation has its leaders. Every generation has its heroes. When that generation passes, the next generation will have the same. Every generation will have its problems, and they will also have the continuing responsibility to look out for the next seven generations.

You have to raise your own leaders. They're not going to come out of the air. First of all, you have to observe that all children have a common leader. You watch the children play and it won't take you very long who the leader is. You're going to have to guide that person and you're going to have to deal with that person. You'll have to recognize that that person really understands. So maybe when the time when they are a little child, whether they're a boy or girl, you've been observant for maybe 19 to 25 years. It comes time to move, you walk in and you know who you are talking to, because there is natural leaders.

The most important thing I would think is that the leadership change their values from power and authority to responsibility. I don't think as in the United States they have a bill of rights, you know that they added on to the constitution of the United States. I think that should have been a bill of responsibility and not a bill of rights. Because people talk about their rights, their rights, but they NEVER talk about their responsibility. Leadership has got to have that above ALL. They've got to have vision. They've got to have compassion. They've got to make that decision for the next seven generations. That's not just a casual term, that's a basic instruction for survival.

Every bird, every nation, every plant has its own area to be and you respect that. You know even as we sit here and we look around us we see flowers and no tree grows by itself. A tree is a community. Certain plants will gather around certain trees and certain medicine will gather around certain plants. So that if you kill all the trees, if you cut all the trees, then you are destroying a community. You are not just destroying a tree, you are destroying a whole community that surrounds it and thrives on it and there may be very important medicine for people or for animals. Because the animals use the same medicine. That's where we learned. We learned by watching the animals, they taught us alot.

If you replant the tree, you don't replant the community, you just replant the tree. So you have lost a whole community. If you clear-cut, which is what's happening in America and Canada a great deal these days. I guess too around the world. Then you are really a destructive force! And simply replanting trees is not replanting a community. You have a lost a lot in the process. If you don't understand that, you will. And that understanding comes, well in a very difficult manner.

There are about 100 economic units in the world today. 49 of these are countries and 51 are corporations. Now, you digest that for a second. What does that mean? It means that corporations are the driving force of decision making today. And corporations are not concerned with human rights, they are are not concerned with human life, they are not even concerned with the proper wage for the people that are working for them. So what kind of decisions are going to be made on our behalf by this economic power, these corporate states I call them. Oh, there's going to be hell to pay as they say for some of the things that are going on now.

So I think that people have to become aware and awake! Power is always in the people's hands. They need to come of one mind and challenge the values that are being chucked at them today. This has become a consumer society. It's driven by economics and not common sense. It's economics. Everybody is born with common sense, that why they call it common sense. You have common sense, you just have to use it. So, you just have to evaluate what somebody tells you. You know, just use your common sense. If somebody were to jump off a cliff, would you follow him. Would you do that? Use your sense. Everybody should be their own leader. In other words, do your thinking for YOURSELF!

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