Hi everyone! Funny thing happend to me today, pictures from the scene of Pinnochio at Pleasure Island kept flashing in my mind's eye today. I haven't watched Pinnochio in ages. So I went to Disneywiki to refresh my memory. Wow! Doesn't this sound familiar? This is the end result of listening to someone who is only out for their own welfare. Resist being lured in by 'their' superficial promises.
The Plot
Meanwhile, the fox and cat are celebrating at The Red Lobster. Seated opposite them is the Coachman, who listens to Honest John's story and decides to catch his attention with a huge bag of money, which he says can be theirs if they bring "stupid little boys" to the crossroads for him to take to Pleasure Island.
The fox and cat find Pinocchio racing Jiminy Cricket home, and pretend to be doctors, stating that he is 'allergic' and must go to Pleasure Island to get better. They carry him to the crossroads with Jiminy once again in hot pursuit. When on the Coachman's Stagecoach, Pinocchio meets Lampwick, who tells him that Pleasure Island is a "swell joint" where boys can run riot without fear of reprimand from authority figures. The coach reaches the shore, where the boys board a boat which takes them to the island.
Pleasure Island
As the boys enjoy themselves at the fairground-like Pleasure Island, the Coachman orders his minions to close the doors, locking the unknowing boys in. Later that night, Jiminy searches the now deserted farground for Pinocchio. He eventually finds him playing pool with Lampwick, who scoffs that Pinocchio "takes orders from a grasshopper" and laughs at Jiminy. The cricket loses his temper and leaves. He crawls under the main doors of the fairground to find the Coachman and his minions loading donkeys into crates. One donkey is able to speak; it's name is Alexander. The Coachman throws Alexander into a pen of donkeys that "can still talk". Jiminy realises that the donkeys were all once boys.
He rushes back to warn Pinocchio. Back in the pool hall, Lampwick is still laughing about Jiminy when he suddenly sprouts donkey ears. Much to Pinocchio's terror, this is followed by a tail. When Lampwick's laugh becomes a donkey's bray, he looks in the mirror and panics. He asks Pinocchio for help, but the wooden boy is only able to look on in fright. Lampwick's last words are a frantic call for his mother before he turns into a donkey completely. Pinocchio's panic increases when he himself sprouts ears and a tail, but Jiminy arrives just in time to take him to an escape route and, together, they swim to the shore of the mainland.
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