September 25, 2008

Barack Obama Tops List of Bought-and-Paid-For Politicians by Wall Street! Really Now? Mr. Change We Can Believe In... LOLOLOL!

Sorry to burst your enamored Obama bubble. No really, I understand that the TRUTH hurts most of the time. This man is by no means the saint, the savior that you made him to be. Obama is JUST as CORRUPT as every other damn politician ruling over us today. Just because he says he's not, doesn't make him not.

I must remind you that Barack Obama has ONLY been a United States Senator for less that 4 years and happens to be at the top of this list with the greasiest palm. Whereas Hillary Clinton has been a United States Senator for less than 8 years and John McCain has been a United States Senator for 22 years.

Oh and for those of you who have selective amnesia, I would like to remind you of the following: "Jim Johnson, the former chairman of Fannie Mae who was one of three advisors tapped by Democrat Barack Obama to vet vice presidential candidates, resigned today after questions were raised about favoritism he may have received from Countrywide Financial Corp." Excerpt taken from the Los Angeles Times. Please click here to read entire article dated Thursday, June 12, 2008.


Bob McCarthy Writes
Obama Tops List of Bought-and-Paid-For Politicians
September 25th, 2008

Who received the most money from Wall Street executives (i.e., the folks Barack Obama referred to in a recent speech as the ones “who got us into this mess”)? According to one report, Obama tops the list of politicians who’ve been bought and paid for by the same folks responsible for the recent collapse of U.S. financial markets.

The graphic at right reflects the Top 20 Members of Congress in terms of influence and lobbying money received, according to a report, Securities & Investment: Money to Congress, published by Open

To learn more about some of the people involved in this scandal and how Obama is related to them, read my post, ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ Festivities Began Early.

Also, there’s a lot more where this came from at Atlas Shrugs. Hat tip to Pam Geller!

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